I would like to know how to highlight matching brackets in cream. The matching bracket开发者_JS百科 only flashes once when I type its pair.
Thanks! --nikita.utiu
It should work by default.
See :help pi_paren
It is possible it is not displayed when you have your cursor over a }
because there is no Highlight group "MatchParen" defined in your color scheme.
To check, type :highlight
and check that is a line with MatchParen defined.
If not you can try to change your colorscheme or add the following line in your .vimrc or .gvimrc :
:hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue guibg=lightblue
For me Xavier T.'s method didn't work.
Cream FAQs suggest to create a file called cream-user.vim
in your $HOME/.cream
directory. And in that file you put
if exists("g:loaded_matchparen")
unlet g:loaded_matchparen
runtime plugin/matchparen.vim
This worked perfectly fine for me.