I develop lot view models which are:
1) All have to implement INotifyPropertyChanged to be bindable to UI.
2) Property setters have to raise PropertyChanged on change.
3) PropertyChanged event has to provide proper property name.
If you (like me) tied of writing something like this:
public string Name
return _name;
if (_name != value)
_name = value;
Then refactor this method like this and sometimes forget to update property name literal:
string _fundName;
public string FundName
return _fundName;
if (_fundName != value)
_fundName = value;
And then spend a day to debug why your UI is not refreshing and databinding doesn't work properly.
Then all we need is some kind of magic.
What if I just need to write this:
[Magic] // implicit transformation
public string FundName { get; set; }
or if I have many properties:
public class MyViewModel
public string FundName { get; set; }
public string FundType { get; set; }
[NoMagic] // suppress transformation
public int InternalId { get; set; }
So I have just developed a MSBuild task to do this magic after the build (http://kindofmagic.codeplex.com).
The question is, what kind of magical postprocessing would you like more?
Does automatic implementation of INotifyPropertyChanging makes sense?
Try this
- No attributes required
- No references required
- No base class required
Here is my blog article about it
It supports the attributes you request
- NotifyPropertyAttribute (notify for a property)
- NotifyForAllAttribute (notify for all properties on a type)
- NotifyIgnoreAttribute (do not notify for a property or type)
- AlsoNotifyFor (Allows the injection of notify code that points to a different property)
Although these are option and designed for fine tuning. Most injection is done by convention through analyzing the existing IL.
If we're going to have fancy code generation, I think I would prefer a way to generate DependancyProperties more easily. The snippit I use is certainly helpful, but I'm not a fan how jumbled the code looks when you have on-changed and coerce callbacks, and metadata options. Maybe I'll try and mock up a sample after work.
Edit: Well, here's one concept. It would look a lot more clever if you pass anonymous methods to attributes, but it's still a step up.
[DpDefault("The Void")]
[DpCoerce(new CoerceValueCallback(MainWindow.CoerceAddress))]
[DpChanged(new PropertyChangedCallback(MainWindow.ChangeAddress1))]
[DpChanged(new PropertyChangedCallback(MainWindow.ChangeAddress2))]
public string Address {
get { return Dp.Get<string>(); }
set {
if (Dp.Get<string>() != value) {
PostOffice.SendMailToTheBoss("I moved!");
public string Address {
get { return (string)GetValue(AddressProperty); }
set {
if ((string)GetValue(AddressProperty) != value) {
SetValue(AddressProperty, value);
PostOffice.SendMailToTheBoss("I moved!");
public static readonly DependencyProperty AddressProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Address", typeof(string), typeof(MainWindow),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((string)"The Void",
new PropertyChangedCallback(MainWindow.ChangeAddress1)
+ new PropertyChangedCallback(MainWindow.ChangeAddress2),
new CoerceValueCallback(MainWindow.CoerceAddress)));
Typically, only the 'DpDefault' attribute would be used, but even if it doesn't make the code shorter, it certainly makes it clearer. Here would be a more typical example:
[DpDefault("The Void")]
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Address {
get { return (string)GetValue(AddressProperty); }
set { SetValue(AddressProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty AddressProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Address", typeof(string), typeof(MainWindow),
new UIPropertyMetadata((string)"The Void"));
"Magic" is almost always a terrible name for method or property or variable in any language. You should rename the attribute to something more descriptive. Imagine you are just a random internet pedestrian and stumble on a piece code with attribute "Magic", what does it tell you about the code? Exactly nothing :)
I will try your code anyways, it has potential to be quite a timesaver. This should definitely be a part of .NET.
Something that might make your life a little easier is this... (Ive picked it up from Caliburn Micro).
public virtual void NotifyOfPropertyChange<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TProperty>> property) {
This enables you to do the following..
NotifyOfProperyChange(() => this.PropertyName);
This will highlight any issues with the code at design time, rather than run time.
Caliburn Micro is an awesome little framework that you should take a look at, it removes so much of the wiring up involved with MVVM and Silverlight / WPF!
This can already be done using a AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) tool like PostSharp : http://www.richard-banks.org/2009/02/aspect-oriented-programming.html (using v1.x) http://www.sharpcrafters.com/solutions/ui#data-binding (using v2.0)
I used PostSharp to implement INPC in few projects and it worked out pretty well, the code is much more cleaner and maintainable (it adds a few seconds to compile time)