I have a basic text editor that can style documents (bold, underline, italicize, underline, align left/right/center, color, font size/family), and that all works great. The problem I'm having is that I want the style to set my buttons and boxes to the correct styling for where the caret is.
Say, for example, I have the string
开发者_运维知识库the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
When I click between the u and i in quick, I want my italicize button to be toggled on to indicate that the text where the caret is has the italicized styling.
I'm using a JTextPane to hold the text, and a StyledEditorKit for the styling.
I think what you are looking for, is
method from the JTextPane
Ok, just for anyone still looking for and didnt find the answer : for example :
AttributeSet attributeSet = textPane.getCharacterAttributes();
Object bold = attributeSet == null ? null : attributeSet.getAttribute( StyleConstants.Bold );
System.out.println( "Bold : " + bold );