I have a form with a widget autocomplete, but when I add a parameter to the URL, my widget doesn't work.
I think it's a problem with routing because when I delete the parameter, the autocompletion works but I don't know how and where I have to define the new route. (I have tried in myModule/config/routing.yml but I think I don't understand how to use new routing).
Link to go on my form :
<a href="<?php echo url_for('refus/new?logement='.$logement->getId()) ?>">Nouveau refus</a>
Actions :
public function executeAutocompleteNud(sfWebRequest $request) {
//开发者_Python百科 Fonction générant une liste de locataire pour le champs autocomplete
// Récupération de la chaine entrée par l'utilisateur
$string = $request->getParameter('q');
// Requète récupérant la liste des locataires dont le nom contient la chaine entrée
$requete = Doctrine::getTable('locataire')->getDataWhereNUD($string);
// Construction d'un tableau associatif à partir des résultats de la requète
$resultats = array();
foreach ($requete as $res):
$resultats[$res->getNud()] = $res->getNud();
return $this->renderText(json_encode($resultats));
public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request)
$log = $request->getParameter('logement');
$refus = new Refus();
$refus->set('logement', $log);
$this->form = new refusForm($refus);
Widget schema :
$this->widgetSchema['locataire'] = new sfWidgetFormJQueryAutocompleter(array('url' => 'autocompleteNud',
'config' => '{
scrollHeight: 300,
autoFill: true}'));
routing system was a mistery to my also but after reading a lot maybe i cuold help you. In apps > app_name > confing > routing.yml add a the TOP of the file. this route:
url: /refus/new/:logment_id
params: { module: refus , action: new}
url: /refus/autocompleteNud/:q
params: { module: refus , action: autocompleteNud}
That tells symfony that when someone asks for something like: http://hosts/index.php/refus/new/10 it should look in the module refus an action called new and pass a parameter called logment_id .
After doing this you should clear cache.
Second think to do is to change this
<a href="<?php echo url_for('refus/new?logement='.$logement->getId()) ?>">Nouveau refus</a>
for this
<?php echo link_to('Nouveau refus', 'refus/new', array('logement' => $logement->getId())); ?>
Finally, modify your widget to usea the new route:
$this->widgetSchema['locataire'] = new sfWidgetFormJQueryAutocompleter(array('url' => url_for('@autocompleteNud'),
'config' => '{
scrollHeight: 300,
autoFill: true}'));
Hope this is useful!
I have resolved my problem using this way :
symfony : Form with one parameter