public void enqueue(Object element)
// Adds element to the rear of this queue.
LLObjectNode newNode = new LLObjectNode(element);
if (rear == null)
front = newNode;
rear = newNode;
public Object dequeue()
// Throws QueueUnderflowException if this queue is empty;
// otherwise, removes front element from this queue and returns it.
if (isEmpty())
throw new QueueUnderflowException("Dequeue attempted on empty queue.");
Object element;
element = front.getInfo();
front = front.getLink();
if (front == null)
rear = null;
return eleme开发者_运维技巧nt;
public boolean isEmpty()
// Returns true if this queue is empty; otherwise, returns false.
if (front == null)
return true;
return false;
public class CircLinkedUnbndQueue<T> implements UnboundedQueueInterface<T>
protected LLNode<T> rear; // reference to the rear of this queue
public CircLinkedUnbndQueue()
rear = null;
public void enqueue(T element)
// Adds element to the rear of this queue.
LLNode<T> newNode = new LLNode<T>(element);
if (rear == null)
rear = newNode;
//links the newNode to the rear node's pointer and then 're'points the
//rear node to the newNode.
if(rear.getLink() == null)
//'repositions' the reat node at the end of the queue.
rear = newNode;
public T dequeue()
// Throws QueueUnderflowException if this queue is empty;
// otherwise, removes front element from this queue and returns it.
if (isEmpty())
throw new QueueUnderflowException("Dequeue attempted on empty queue.");
T element;
rear = rear.getLink();
element = rear.getInfo();
if (rear.getLink() == null)
rear = null;
return element;
public boolean isEmpty()
// Returns true if this queue is empty; otherwise, returns false.
if (rear == null)
return true;
return false;
I know this is an old post but I had trouble with this problem recently and believe this to be more in line with the question asked since it uses only uses a rear node.
Well you at least need to do the following in equeue
Actually, I don't believe you need both front
and rear
since front
will always be accessible throug rear.getLink()
Here is a suggestion:
public class CircularLinkedList {
LLObjectNode rear;
// Adds element to the rear of this queue.
public void enqueue(Object element) {
LLObjectNode newNode = new LLObjectNode(element);
if (!isEmpty())
LLObjectNode front = front();
rear = newNode;
// Set new nodes successor to front
private LLObjectNode front() {
return rear.getLink();
// Throws QueueUnderflowException if this queue is empty;
// otherwise, removes front element from this queue and returns it.
public Object dequeue() {
if (isEmpty())
throw new QueueUnderflowException(
"Dequeue attempted on empty queue.");
Object element = front().getInfo();
// Exclude front from list
if (onlyOneLeft())
rear = null;
return element;
private boolean onlyOneLeft() {
return front() == rear;
public boolean isEmpty() {
// Returns true if this queue is empty; otherwise, returns false.
return rear == null;