<% @sp_references.each do |sp开发者_如何学Python_ref| %> <% sp_ref.all_references.each_with_index do |tax_ref, i| %> <%if (tax_ref.reference.uniq) && (tax_ref.reference !~ /emend$/i) %> <%= tax_ref.reference %> <%end%> <%end%> <%end%>
This 'uniq' option to get distinct elements in tax_ref.reference is not working. It shows "undefined method `uniq' for #
It seems to me like tax_ref.reference
is not an array. uniq
should be called on arrays. Try this instead:
<% sp_ref.all_references.keys.uniq.each do |tax_ref| %>
<%if (tax_ref.reference !~ /emend$/sp_ref.all_references[tax_ref]) %>
<%= tax_ref.reference %>
<% end %>
uniq is a method on any enumerable object (arrays). So you can't call it on the reference object of tax_ref.
Instead, you'll want to call it on sp_ref.all_references, like sp_ref.all_references.uniq.each
This SO Question has some suggestions on filtering out duplicate objects when only an attribute is duplicated (not unique).
<%arr = Array.new %> <% @sp_references.each do |sp_ref| %> <% sp_ref.all_references.each_with_index do |tax_ref, i| %> <%if (tax_ref.reference !~ /emend$/i) %> <% arr.push("#{tax_ref.reference}") %> <%end%> <%end%> <%end%> <%= arr.uniq %>
It works for me.