
SQL query help with GROUPing and nested queries

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-28 08:12 出处:网络
Given are two tables, Table A containing customerid, lastchange, internallink Table B containing internallink, turnover

Given are two tables,

  • Table A containing customerid, lastchange, internallink

  • Table B containing internallink, turnover

(I'm simplyfying here and changing it to a generic example, the actual structure is more complex. SQL dialect for now is mySQL.)

The only unique thing (per table) is the internallink. There are several records in A with the same customerID, different dates in lastchange, and different internallink values. There are other items linked with this; I cannot change the tables.

I need the recordIDs from A which are the most recent for a customer (highest lastchange value of all with the same customerID) and to which the entries in B which match a certain value condition are linked.

I think the

SELECT `internallink` FROM `B` WHERE (`turnover` > 10000) 

part is not the issue.

I got this far:

SELECT `customerID`, MAX(`lastchange`)
  FROM `A` 
 WHERE `lastchange` IN (SELECT `internallink` FROM `B` 
                         WHERE `turnover` > 10000)
 GROUP BY `customerID`;

Alas, that statement gives wrong results, because above will return me customerIDs for which the most rec开发者_JAVA技巧ent value does not fulfill the criteria, but some older did - it selects the oldest that did, and returns this. But in case the most recent entry is below threshold, the customerID should not turn up at all.

Where did I go wrong, and what is the correct approach to this?

Sample Data Table A

customerid   lastchange   internallink
         3   2010-02-11   11
         3   2010-09-04   12
         3   2010-10-22   13
         3   2010-11-23   14
         4   2010-05-05   15
         4   2010-12-01   16
         5   2010-11-28   17
         5   2010-11-29   18

Table B

internallink  turnover
          11     47000
          12     11000
          13      8000
          14     15000
          15     17000
          16     23000
          17     50000
          18     10000

The actual threshold in my tests is 12000. You can see customerID should not be in the result set, since the most recent entry is below the threshold.

The result set should be (3,2010-11-23)(4,2010-12-01) - but currently it also contains (5,2010-11-28), which is wrong.

Getting a bit closer (with your help, thanks!), these two statements both work:

SELECT customerID, MAX(lastchange), internallink FROM A GROUP BY customerID; SELECT internallink FROM B WHERE (turnover > 12000);

Now all I need is the intersection of both... with the correct logic!

The following query should do what you want. It is not the most performant way to write this kind of query. But it's using standard SQL and it executes in any database.

The works like this: The inner subquery finds all customerids along with the latest changedate. For each such pair (customerid, lastchange), we find the original row in table A. Having found a row in table A, we use the internallink to find a matching record in B, but only if the associated turnover is greater than 10000.

drop table a;
drop table b;

create table a(
   customerid   int  not null
  ,lastchange   date not null
  ,internallink int  not null

create table b(
   internallink int not null
  ,turnover     int not null

insert into a values(3, date '2010-02-11', 11);
insert into a values(3, date '2010-09-04', 12);
insert into a values(3, date '2010-10-22', 13);
insert into a values(3, date '2010-11-23', 14);
insert into a values(4, date '2010-05-05', 15);
insert into a values(4, date '2010-12-01', 16);
insert into a values(5, date '2010-11-28', 17);
insert into a values(5, date '2010-11-29', 18);

insert into b values(11, 47000);
insert into b values(12, 11000);
insert into b values(13,  8000);
insert into b values(14, 15000);
insert into b values(15, 17000);
insert into b values(16, 23000);
insert into b values(17, 50000);
insert into b values(18, 10000);

select a.customerid
  from a
  join b on (a.internallink = b.internallink)
 where b.turnover > 10000
   and (a.customerid, a.lastchange) in(select customerid,max(lastchange)
                                         from a
                                     group by customerid);

This works in sql server - I'm not sure if mySql has a similar ranking functions.

select a.id, a.lastchange, b.turnover, a.rownumber from B b inner join 
(SELECT id, lastchange, internallink, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY lastchange DESC) AS 'rownumber'
FROM A) a on b.internallink = a.internallink
where a.rownumber = 1 and b.turnover > 5000

The "ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY lastchange DESC) AS 'rownumber'" means...

I want to group all the same ids together and order them by lastchange by desc after that count each row. Oh and name that column rownumber.

id  lastchange    internallink  rownumber
1   2010-01-03    2           1
1   2010-01-02    1           2
1   2010-01-01    1           3
2   2010-01-04    2           1

Selecting any record with a rownumber of 1 will return the last modified record of an id.

After lots of testing and some research, I found this solution, and I post this in case anybody else should face a similar problem.

An additional table "cache" keeps copies of the most recent entries in table A, reducing the complexity a lot. It is kept current by using triggers like this:

    INSERT INTO cache (`customerID`, `internallink`) VALUES (NEW.`customerID`,NEW.`internallink`);
    UPDATE cache SET `internallink` = NEW.`internallink` WHERE (`customerID` = NEW.`customerID`);
    DELETE FROM cache WHERE `customerID` = OLD.`customerID`;

For INSERT and UPDATE, those triggers go off after the fact, so the entries in Table a are complete before the cache updates. For DELETE, the cache needs to be updated before the original entry vanishes.

Once this is in place, everything else becomes simple:

SELECT `customerID` FROM cache WHERE `internallink` IN 
    (SELECT `internallink` FROM b WHERE (`turnover` > 10000));

For me, this is a viable solution, and it even speeds up the lookups. Of course there is a cost in DB size, but I think the performance is much better overall - as long as there is at least one more read access than write access, there is an improvement.

The answers you gave were, however, very helpful to me. I learned a bunch of things from them and from trying to follow your advice (even putting some of it to use in other places already). Thanks to all who replied to my question!



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