
Unable to get the required output using a LIST, <cfloop> and <cfquery>

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-28 05:27 出处:网络
I have a LIST (query output)that has the distinct ID’s from a table “Account”. Using that LISTI am LOOPING over a SELECT query and basically extracting someCOUNT.

I have a LIST (query output)that has the distinct ID’s from a table “Account”. Using that LIST I am LOOPING over a SELECT query and basically extracting some COUNT . I am having trouble getting the COUNT value on an individual basis.

The table “Account” has the fields 1) contract_ID ,

2)vAccount开发者_高级运维ID(primary key) and 3) Status_id (values=’’,V,C).

I am doing the following query

    <cfquery name="qryGetid" datasource="#datasource#">
 SELECT DISTINCT(contract_ID )  
 FROM Account
    ORDER BY contract_ID DESC

<!---   account details for each --->
<cfset  Z =#ValueList(qryGetid.ID)# >
<cfloop list="#Z#" index="Y"   >  
<cfquery name="qryGetNiceAccounts"  datasource="#dataSource#">
 DISTINCT(a.contract_ID )
 ,(SELECT count(vAccountID) FROM Account
        WHERE c _ID IN (<cfqueryparam value="#x#" list="yes" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" separator=",">)
        AND Status_id = 'V' )   AS Valid_AcntV
 ,(SELECT count(vAccountID) FROM Account
        WHERE c _ID IN (<cfqueryparam value="#x#" list="yes" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" separator=",">)
        AND Status_id = 'C' )   AS Valid_AcntC 

  FROM  Account a
 a.contract_ID  IN (<cfqueryparam value="#x#" list="yes" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" separator="," >)
 ORDER BY   contract_ID   DESC


The query ="qryGetNiceAccounts" is returning only one value for “Valid_AcntCount” even for different “c_ID” in the list .

Example if the “Account” table has the values

contract_ID      count(vID)/ v_Accoun t=’v’     count(vID)/ v_Accoun t=’c’

    123           10                                                  220
    124           05                                                  110
    123           01                                                     0

 contract_ID   count(vID)/ v_Accoun t=’v’     count(vID)/ v_Accoun t=’c’
    123           10                                                  220
    124           10                                                  220
    123           10                                                  220

Basically I am having trouble getting COUNTS for individual IDs.

Side note:-When I do a dump the Input “contract_ID ” is showing as 123, 123 123 rather than 123,124,125

I think you're overcomplicating it, and it can be solved with a single query with a few joins:

    COUNT(vav.vAccountID) AS Valid_AcntV, 
    COUNT(vac.vAccountID) AS Valid_AcntC
FROM  Account a
LEFT JOIN v_Account AS vav 
    ON vav.c_ID = a.contract_ID AND vav.Status_id = 'V'
LEFT JOIN v_Account AS vac 
    ON vac.c_ID = a.contract_ID AND vac.Status_id = 'C'
GROUP BY   a.contract_ID
ORDER BY   a.contract_ID   DESC

Should do what you're after, if I'm deciphering your queries correctly.

[…] Using that LIST I am LOOPING over a SELECT query and basically extracting some COUNT. […]

This is generally a bad idea. Especially "getting some counts" is one of the easiest things to do directly in SQL and more often than not there is no reason to execute a SELECT query in a loop. Avoid that whenever you can for performance reasons.

And in your case it's perfectly avoidable (it even makes your code a lot simpler), just change your SQL:

<cfquery name="qryGetNiceAccounts"  datasource="#dataSource#">
    (SELECT COUNT(vAccountID) FROM v_Account 
      WHERE c_ID = a.contract_ID AND Status_id = 'V'
    ) AS Valid_AcntV,
    (SELECT COUNT(vAccountID) FROM v_Account 
      WHERE c_ID = a.contract_ID AND Status_id = 'C'
    ) AS Valid_AcntC
    (SELECT contract_ID FROM Account GROUP BY contract_ID) AS a
    contract_ID DESC

You don't need the other query at all, neither do you need the loop.

An alternative way to express the same would be this:

  SUM(CASE Status_id WHEN 'V' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Valid_AcntV,
  SUM(CASE Status_id WHEN 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Valid_AcntC
  Account AS a
  INNER JOIN v_Account AS c ON c.c_id = a.contract_ID
  a.contract_ID DESC

This would hit the v_Account view only once. You must determine for yourself what is the most efficient query.



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