I have a pom.xml with defined property module.basedir that is intended to contain transformed basedir property. It is defined as follows:
And I have following code that is executed using mgroovy plugin:
println project.properties['module.basedir']
println project.properties['module.basedir']
Later I use this property in other plugins. This works fine until I move plugin definitions into maven profile. And when maven profile is activated mgroovy plugin works fine, but when I access property in the next plugin I get unmodified value.
This is how I access this property:
It looks like that when profile is executed it creates own copies of properties defined in project and they are used when referenced from plugins.
Any suggestions?
I faced with the same problem using gmaven-plugin on windows to create EJB module description. I'm not a savvy in Groovy, but this approach works for me:
def basedir = project.properties['module.basedir'].replace('\\','/')
def md = (basedir + "/target/module.xml" as File)
String path = '\\a\\b\\c'
assert path.replaceAll('\\\\', '/') == '/a/b/c'
So you need to replace this line:
The reason you need 4 backslashes, is because each of the double-backslashes in the source String (path
in my example) must be escaped.