I am trying to make MATLAB a bit more usable than it is (for me), and one of the things which I always wanted to fix is a better class constructor. I want to have the following interface:
# instead of classical:
obj = MyClass(some_args);
I can easily achieve this by defining a static method new
classdef MyClass
function obj = MyClass(varargin); end
function method1(obj,varargin); end
methods (Static)
function obj = new(varargin); obj = MyClass(varargin{:}); end
But this requires adding such method to all classes, and therefore it 开发者_Python百科is not very elegant/convenient. I thought that I could go around it by defining a common class with the following constructor
classdef CommonClass
methods (Static)
function obj = new(varargin)
# getting name of the current file (Object), i.e. basename(__FILE__)
try clear E; E; catch E, [s, s] = fileparts(E.stack(1).file); end;
# creating object with name $s
obj = eval([s '(varargin{:})']);
classdef MyClass < CommonClass
However, this doesn't work because MATLAB calls new()
from Object.m
, and therefore I get instance of Object
instead of MyClass
Any ideas how I can improve it?
I would like it to work also for classes created inside other ones:
classdef MyAnotherClass < CommonClass
function obj = MyAnotherClass
child = MyClass.new;
>> MyAnotherClass.new
Personally, I don't see the problem with calling the constructor as is, but if you do want to have it called via new
, the getStaticCallingClassName
below might be of use to you.
Here's how you'd use it:
classdef CommonClass
methods (Static)
function obj = new(varargin)
%# find out which class we have to create
className = getStaticCallingClassName;
constructor = str2func(sprintf('@%s'className));
%# creating object with name $s
obj = constructor(varargin{:});
classdef MyClass < CommonClass
With this, you can call
obj = MyClass.new(input,arguments);
And here's getStaticCallingClassName
function className = getStaticCallingClassName
%GETSTATICCALLINGCLASSNAME finds the classname used when invoking an (inherited) static method.
% SYNOPSIS: className = getStaticCallingClassName
% INPUT none
% OUTPUT className: name of class that was used to invoke an (inherited) static method
% Assume you define a static method in a superclass
% classdef super < handle
% methods (Static)
% doSomething
% % do something here
% end
% end
% end
% Also, you define two subclasses
% classdef sub1 < super
% end
% classdef sub2 < super
% end
% Both subclasses inherit the static method. However, you may be
% interested in knowing which subclass was used when calling the static
% method. If you call the subclass programmatically, you can easily pass
% the name of the subclass as an input argument, but you may want to be
% able to call the method from command line without any input and still
% know the class name.
% getStaticCallingClassName solves this problem. Calling it in the above
% static method 'doSomething', it returns 'sub1' if the static method was
% invoked as sub1.doSomething. It also works if you create an instance of
% the subclass first, and then invoke the static method from the object
% (e.g. sc = sub1; sc.doSomething returns 'sub1' if .doSomething calls
% getStaticCallingClassName)
% NOTE: getStaticCallingClassName reads the last workspace command from
% history. This is an undocumented feature. Thus,
% getStaticCallingClassName may not work in future releases.
% created with MATLAB ver.: (R2009b) on Mac OS X Version: 10.5.7 Build: 9J61
% created by: Jonas Dorn
% DATE: 16-Jun-2009
% get the last entry of the command line from the command history
lastCommand = javaHistory(end).toCharArray';%'# SO formatting
% find string before the last dot.
tmp = regexp(lastCommand,'(?:=|\.)?(\w+)\.\w+\(?(?:.*)[;,]*\s*$','tokens');
className = tmp{1}{1};
catch me
className = [];
% if you assign an object, and then call the static method from the
% instance, the above regexp returns the variable name. We can get the
% className through getting the class of xx.empty.
if ~isempty(className)
className = evalin('base',sprintf('class(%s.empty);',className));
I could be missing something, but what's wrong with
? (I use this pattern all the time).