I am trying to build a query for fetching the events from the native calendar, i have stored description with 1 word from the these 3 words: "google", "yahoo", "stackoverflow"
For example: description="google",
As of now, i have made query as below:
Cursor eventCursor = getContentResolver().query(builder.build(),
new String[] {"event_id", "title", "begin", "end", "allDay","description" }, "Calendars._id=" + calId,
null, "startDay ASC, startMinute ASC");
now, i would like to make query with Description part, how do i?? of my current implementation is wrong, please show me a correct way as if you know !!!
I have done so far:
public String Fetch_Events_Detail(long From_milliseconds, String kind_website)
String event_detail = null;
Uri.Builder builder = calendar_events_URI.buildUpon();
//long now1 = new Date().getTime();
ContentUris.appendId(builder, From_milliseconds);
ContentUris.appendId(builder, From_milliseconds + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);
/* Cursor eventCursor = getContentResolver().query(builder.build(),
new String[] {"event_id", "title", "begin", "end", "allDay","description" }, "Calendars._id=? and description = ?",
new String[] { DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(calId), DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(kind_website)}, "startDay ASC, startMinute ASC");
Cursor eventCursor = getContentResolver().query(builder.build(),
new String[] {"event_id", "title", "begin", "end", "allDay","description" },开发者_JAVA百科"Calendars._id=" + calId,
null, "startDay ASC, startMinute ASC");
if(eventCursor != null)
while (eventCursor.moveToNext())
String uid2 = eventCursor.getString(0);
String event_title = eventCursor.getString(1);
String event_start = eventCursor.getString(2);
String event_description = eventCursor.getString(5);
// SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
Date resultdate = new Date(Long.parseLong(event_start));
event_detail=sdf.format(resultdate)+" "+event_title;
return event_detail;
catch(NumberFormatException e)
Log.i("Exception raised", "");
return null;
Cursor eventCursor = getContentResolver().query(builder.build(),
new String[] {"event_id", "title", "begin", "end", "allDay","description" }, "Calendars._id=? and description = ?",
new String[] { DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(calId), DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(description)}, "startDay ASC, startMinute ASC");
Try this without calId
Cursor eventCursor = getContentResolver().query(builder.build(),
new String[] {"event_id", "title", "begin", "end", "allDay","description" }, "description = ?",
new String[] {DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(description)}, "startDay ASC, startMinute ASC");