I have a page which takes in request params for place, then generate information,
for example, http://example.com/xxx/weather.jsf?place=california
The purpose of doing this is to let user bookmark the link.
In the weather.jsf, there are two outputtext and a commandlink:
Humidity : <ice:outputText value="#{weatherBean.humidity}"/>
Visibility : <ice:outputText value="#{weatherBean.visibility}"/>
<ice:commandLink id="likeButton"
actionListener="#{weatherBean.doLike}" />
In the managedBean:
public class WeatherBean
String humidity;
String visibility;
int numLike;
public void init()
System.out.println("init called");
HttpServletRequest request= (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
String place = request.getParameter("place");
public void doLike(ActionEvent event)
System.out.println("doLike called");
Alright, the page generated perfectly.
However, when I click the doLike
it always triggers the init
method first, then call doLike
Since the request param is empty, all the other values reset.
Is there any way to prevent a refresh of the page or calling of init
I tried partialsubmit or immediate, but no luck.
Your bean is @RequestScoped, so after executing the JSF lifecycle, your bean instance is lost, until the next request comes in, at which point you get a new instance of your bean, and the PostContruct re-executes.
Try changing the scope of your bean to something longer lived, like @ViewScoped.