Hi guys this is a long shot but here goes...
I basically 开发者_高级运维have what I mentioned in the title running on my server. When I upload a video ffmpeg decomplies it and gives me screenshots, then I pick a screenshot that I want to use for that video. Currently, my server can process 3 videos at a time. The down side is that this uses up A LOT of the server processing power. :(
Is there a way, or a program, that can process several video at a time and generate me screenshots on my Desktop? If this is possible then I can just use my spare computer here to process everything then upload the screenshots/video to my server.
This is what I basically have running now on the server. kayweb.com.au/blogs/Web-Development/Generating-screenshots-using-FFmpeg
Something like this, But this thumbnail generator puts everything into one image. I need to be able to choose with thumbnail I want to use. http://www.tothepc.com/archives/make-movie-caps-screenshots-with-free-video-thumbnails-maker/
Anyone have any suggestions?
The problem with getting multiple thumbs is the time. So far I have not been able to get multiple thumbs from a single scan, so it means I have to scan three times for three images.
In my case I took the video time in seconds then got the the three images from 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4. But for long videos this is far too slow, even using ffmpeg's offset value. It is better if you can to select from the first 10-20 seconds into the video.
So I start with a pre-process, this scans the images at the time of the file search then any that haven't got a thumb created it creates one from a few seconds into the video, that is a quick process and in a thread of it's own isn't really noticeable, unless there are a lot of videos needing an icon, so a first run will be slow.
Then as with the functions form, if the thumb isn't any good I allow the selection from my 3 thumbs which are generated on the fly. In my case I used MDI so I could marry various parts of a media suite together. So the part below is a form on it's own, the file list 'videoList', has been filled when the user selected a directory in another form.
Just for completeness I will include my MediaItem and MediaType enums.
Ignore the way I have named my temporary files, I am still working on that because I will be marrying it with a service later which will supply the name. You can get problems using the same files in C# that were just created or modified in an external process, so you do need some clever file use convention.
public partial class ThumbSelector : Form
public List<MediaItem> videoList = new List<MediaItem>();
private Random ra = new Random();
int iCount = 1;
public ThumbSelector()
public void FillList()
if(videoList.Count() < 1)
//only get mp4 files
var videosOnly = from n in videoList
where n.mainType == MediaMainType.MMT_VIDEO
select n;
foreach (MediaItem mi in videosOnly)
private void lbVideoList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(lbVideoList.SelectedItems.Count < 1)
private void CreateThumbs(string fShortName)
string sourceVideoName;
int sourceLength = 0;
int quarter = 0;
int half = 0;
int threequarter = 0;
string destDir = @"C:\Users\robert\dwhelper\VideoIcons";
string ffPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\ffmpeg.exe";
var sname = (from n in videoList
where n.shortName == fShortName
select n).First();
sourceVideoName = sname.fullName;
sourceLength = GetVideoLength(ffPath, sourceVideoName);
quarter = sourceLength / 4;
half = sourceLength / 2;
threequarter = quarter * 3;
Image im1;
Image im2;
Image im3;
string n1;
string n2;
string n3;
while (File.Exists(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", "x1_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg")))
n1 = string.Concat("x1_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg");
while (File.Exists(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", "x2_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg")))
n2 = string.Concat("x2_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg");
while (File.Exists(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", "x3_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg")))
n3 = string.Concat("x3_", iCount.ToString(), ".jpg");
pic1.Image = null;
pic2.Image = null;
pic3.Image = null;
CreateThumbs(sname, quarter, n1);
im1 = Image.FromFile(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", n1));
pic1.Image = im1;
CreateThumbs(sname, half, n2);
im2 = Image.FromFile(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", n2));
pic2.Image = im2;
CreateThumbs(sname, threequarter, n3);
im3 = Image.FromFile(string.Concat(destDir, @"\", n3));
pic3.Image = im3;
private void CreateThumbs(MediaItem mi, int timeIn, string outName)
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Process pth;
string destDir = @"C:\Users\robert\dwhelper\VideoIcons";
string sourceFile;
string destFile;
string ffPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\ffmpeg.exe";
string strCommand;
string fullCommand;
string[] ssplit;
sourceFile = mi.fullName;
ssplit = mi.shortName.Split('.');
destFile = string.Concat(destDir, "\\", outName);
strCommand = string.Concat(
" -i \"", sourceFile, "\" -r 1 -ss ", timeIn.ToString(), " -t 00:00:01 -f image2 \"", destFile, "\"");
fullCommand = string.Concat(ffPath, strCommand);
pth = new Process();
pth.StartInfo.FileName = ffPath;
pth.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommand;
pth.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
pth.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private int GetVideoLength(string ffmpeg, string sourceFile)
//exec('start C:\Inetpub\ffmpeg\ffmpeg -i "D:/Jaime-flex.wmv" 2>&1 | grep "Duration" | cut -d " " -f 4 - | sed s/,//', $output);
string result = "";
string strCommand = string.Concat(
" -i \"", sourceFile, "\" 2>");
Process pth = new Process();
pth.StartInfo.FileName = ffmpeg;
pth.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommand;
pth.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
pth.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
pth.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
pth.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
//result = pth.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
//result = pth.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
string str = "";
string[] ssplit;
char[] splitChars = new char[] { '.', ' ' };
int seconds = 0;
while (!pth.StandardError.EndOfStream)
str = pth.StandardError.ReadLine();
if (str.Contains("Duration"))
ssplit = str.Split(splitChars);
seconds = GetSeconds(ssplit[3]);
return seconds;
private int GetSeconds(string p)
string[] ssplit = p.Split(':');
int ho = Convert.ToInt32(ssplit[0]) * 120;
int mi = Convert.ToInt32(ssplit[1]) * 60;
int se = Convert.ToInt32(ssplit[2]);
return ho + mi + se;
public class MediaItem
public string shortName { get; set; }
public string fullName { get; set; }
public string iconName { get; set; }
public MediaMainType mainType { get; set; }
public MediaSubType subType { get; set; }
public long length { get; set; }
public enum MediaMainType
public enum MediaSubType