I'm wondering if there's a more OO way of creating spaces in C#.
Literally Space Code!
I currently have tabs += new String(" ");
and I can't help but feel that this is somewhat reminiscent of using ""
instead of String.Empty
What can I use to create spaces that isn't " "
You can write
" "
instead of
new String(' ')
Does that help?
Depending on what you do, you might want to look into the StringBuilder.Append overload that accepts a character and a 'repeat' count:
var tabs = new StringBuilder();
tabs.Append(' ', 8);
or into the string
constructor that constructs a string from a character a 'repeat' count:
var tabs = new string(' ', 8);
Here's an enterprisey OO solution to satisfy all your space generation needs:
public abstract class SpaceFactory
public static readonly SpaceFactory Space = new SpaceFactoryImpl();
public static readonly SpaceFactory ZeroWidth = new ZeroWidthFactoryImpl();
protected SpaceFactory { }
public abstract char GetSpace();
public virtual string GetSpaces(int count)
return new string(this.GetSpace(), count);
private class SpaceFactoryImpl : SpaceFactory
public override char GetSpace()
return '\u0020';
private class ZeroWidthFactoryImpl : SpaceFactory
public override char GetSpace()
return '\u200B';
Now that you've clarified in comments:
In my actual code I'm doing new String(' ',numberOfSpaces) so I probably need to still use the new String part.
... the other answers so far are effectively useless :(
You could write:
const char Space = ' ';
then use
new string(Space, numberOfSpaces)
but I don't see any benefit of that over
new string(' ', numberOfSpaces)
if the number of spaces would be changing then you could do something like this:
public static string Space(int count)
return "".PadLeft(count);
There is no reason to do this. All else being equal, smaller code is better code. String.Empty
and new String(' ')
communicate the same thing as ""
and " "
, they just take more characters to do it.
Trying to make it 'more OO' just adds characters for no benefit. Object-Orientation is not an end in itself.
Depending on how prevalent this is in your code, the StringBuilder way may be better.
StringBuilder tabs = new StringBuilder();
tabs.Append(" ");
You can mix in the constant too...
StringBuilder tabs = new StringBuilder();
const string SPACE = " ";
Extend string to give you a method to add space
public static string AddSpace(this String text, int size)
return text + new string(' ', size)
Awful in it's own right though.
The more "OO" way would be to find a simpler way of solving your larger business problem. For example, the fact that you have a variable named tabs
suggests to me that you are trying to roll your own column alignment code. String.Format
supports that directly, e.g.
// Left-align name and status, right-align amount (formatted as currency).
writer.WriteLine("Name Status Amount");
writer.WriteLine("-------------------- ---------- ----------");
foreach(var item in items) {
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,-20} {1,-10} {2,10:C}", item.Name, item.Status, item.Amount));
If the language allowed for it you could add an extension property to the type String which was Space, something like:
public static class StringExt
public static char Space(this String s)
get {
return ' ';
but that isn't possible. I think it would be better to keep the space inside the property if it was a localizable thingy, but I think spaces are universal across all languages.
I think you are taking OO way to far.. A simple addition of a space does not need an entire class.
tabs += new String(' ');
tabs += " ";
is just fine.
You could use "\t"
, I think, to give you a tab character. That might make the spaceing more clear.
StringBuilder.Insert and StringBuilder.Append allow you to create any number spaces, e.g. sb.Insert(0, " ", 20) will insert 20 spaces to the start of your sb (StringBuilder) object.
You may create class extensions.
public static class StringExtensions
public static string GetSpace(this String)
return " ";
and you can call this.
I tend to use string.Empty.PadLeft(8) for example