Public Sub subkeydown(txt As TextBox, lst As ListBox, KeyCode As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
lstfstrec = True
If txt.Text = "" Then lst.Visible = False: Exit Sub
If KeyCode = 40 Then
lst.Selected(lst.ListIndex + 1) = True ': Exit Sub
'MsgBox lstMedicine.ListIndex
End If
If KeyCode = 38 Then lst.Selected(lst.ListIndex - 1) = True ': Exit Sub
End Sub
I have a function nam开发者_StackOverflowed subkeydown() in my project (see above), which is called when the user presses the up-arrow or down-arrow keys. When the function is called, the ListBox's click event is fired. The ListBox contains medicine product name and is bound to a database, so I want to call the Click event when the user clicks on the ListBox but not automatically.
You can set a flag "isUpDownClicked" to true when clicking the up/down button, and in your Sub List_Click you exit sub when flag is true, like:
Option Explicit
Dim lstfstrec As Boolean
Dim isUpDownClicked As Boolean
Public Sub subkeydown(txt As TextBox, lst As ListBox, KeyCode As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
lstfstrec = True
If txt.Text = "" Then lst.Visible = False: Exit Sub
If KeyCode = 40 Then
lst.Selected(lst.ListIndex + 1) = True ': Exit Sub
'MsgBox lstMedicine.ListIndex
End If
If KeyCode = 38 Then lst.Selected(lst.ListIndex - 1) = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandUp_Click()
isUpDownClicked = True
subkeydown Text1, lstMedicine, 38
End Sub
Private Sub CommandDown_Click()
isUpDownClicked = True
subkeydown Text1, lstMedicine, 40
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
lstMedicine.AddItem "1"
lstMedicine.AddItem "2"
lstMedicine.AddItem "3"
End Sub
Private Sub lstMedicine_Click()
If isUpDownClicked Then
isUpDownClicked = False
Label1.Caption = "no"
Exit Sub
End If
Label1.Caption = "lst_Click"
End Sub