So, the other day I had a problem with one of the jQuery plugins. There's a textbox, I enter some characters, and it's either not working or working wrong. I've got the source, I've got the FireBug, and I don't know where to start. Something inside the code handles either the keypress event, or change, or both, and I'd like to put a breakpoint there.
The question is,
How do I discover a handler for a particular event raised by a particular element? I mean, not searching the code for "change", but dynamically? Can FireBug or any other tool help me with that, or maybe it co开发者_运维百科uld be done with a simple script?
Install FireQuery, a Firebug plugging that shows up all jQuery objects in a much more useful way and highlights events on the objects that are on them. It makes debugging jQuery work substantially easier.
Be sure to use non-packed JS code whilst debugging too.