
Sencha Touch ExtJS adding checkbox to list

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-26 14:57 出处:网络
Doing development in Sencha Touch 1.0. I\'m using Ext.List to render a list, but I also want the start of each list item to start with a checkbox. I also want to change its state based on an array ite

Doing development in Sencha Touch 1.0. I'm using Ext.List to render a list, but I also want the start of each list item to start with a checkbox. I also want to change its state based on an array item value, the array which is given to config option. Is there a way to add a simple Ext.form.Checkbox to an Ext.List.

If I instead use a <input type="checkbox".../> to the <itemTpl> config option, then it looks ugly in display and secondly I don't know how to listen to events on the checkbox

Here is the code for ur eye candy:

Ext.regModel('Todos', {
    fields: ['title', 'completed_at']

var groupingBase = {
    itemTpl: '<div class="contact2"><strong>{title}</strong></div>',
    selModel: {
        mode: 'SINGLE',
        allowDeselect: true
    // grouped: true,
    indexBar: true,

    onItemDisclosure: {
        scope: 'test',
        handler: function (record, btn, index) {
            alert('Disclose more info for ' + record.get('title'));

    store: new开发者_开发知识库 Ext.data.Store({
        model: 'Todos',
        sorters: 'title',

        getGroupString: function (record) {
            return record.get('title')[0];

        data: [todos] //todos array is prev populated with required items' properties 

myList = new Ext.List(Ext.apply(groupingBase, {
    fullscreen: true
//List ends

tasksFormBase = {
    title: 'Tasks',
    iconCls: 'favorites',
    cls: 'card2',
    badgeText: '4',
    layout: 'fit',
    items: [
    myList, {
        xtype: 'checkboxfield',
        name: 'cool',
        label: 'Cool'
    dockedItems: [todosNavigationBar]

//tasksFormBase is then added to a Ext.TabPanel config option

any help form Ext master???

I figured out, I need to use a template I used the itemTpl property of the List control with the tpl looking like:

<textarea id="todos-template" class="x-hidden-display">
            <div id="todo_item_{todo_id}" class="todo_list">
                <input type="checkbox" id="todo_check_{todo_id}" class="todo_checkbox unchecked"/>         <strong>{title}</strong>

and added the following listener:

itemtap: function(dataview, index, item, event) {
var todo = dataview.getStore().getAt(index).data;
if (eve.getTarget('input#todo_check_'+todo.todo_id)) {
                    ele = Ext.get('todo_check_'+todo.todo_id);

                    //reverse condition as the event is fired before the state is set
                    if(!ele.getAttribute('checked')) {
                        todo.completed_at = Api.formatDate(new Date());
                        ele.replaceCls('unchecked', 'checked');
                    } else {
                        ele.replaceCls('checked', 'unchecked');
                        todo.completed_at = null;

So on tapping the list item, I detect whether the checkbox is tapped and change the relevant div CSS classes accordingly. I hope the same thing can work for radio as well.

For Sencha Touch the icons are stored in a font: Pictos. Here is the character map For instance this is how I created a checkbox button(Note: the callback function is missing for the link). Simply change the font color to indicate checked or not.

In Css:

a {
text-decoration: none;
.icon {
 font-family: "Pictos"; 


  Item #1 
  <a href="#">
  <span class="icon">3</span>


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