
Can this bash function be optimized?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-26 14:56 出处:网络
Greetings, I have a bash script that parses ZIP files we receive from a client and uncompresses them if a set of criterias is matched. It works well but it is slow. Particularly, the following functi


I have a bash script that parses ZIP files we receive from a client and uncompresses them if a set of criterias is matched. It works well but it is slow. Particularly, the following function:

function getCTLfile() {
    for i in ${HDD_LIST_Array[@]}
        if [[ `echo ${i}|awk -F . '{print $NF}'` == "ctl" ]]
            echo "${i}"

This function's purpose is to get name of the control file contained in a ZIP file. HDD_LIST_Array[@] is obtained thusly for 开发者_JAVA百科each zip file:

HDD_LIST_Array=(`unzip -l $name | head -n -2|tail -n +4 | sort -r | awk '{print $4}'`)

Again, it works, albeit slowly. Can this function be optimized to run faster? Any advice?


unzip -l takes a file pattern to match after the input filename, and returns 0 on finding it or 11 on failure.

entry=$(unzip -l -qq "$name" '*.ctl')
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "$entry"

You could use cut instead of awk and && instead of if but that is probably minor if anything. I would assume your largest wall-clock is the IO on the unzip, yes?

Put a time command around the whole call as well as prefixed to unzip to get your % differences.

OTHERWISE: Looks like you want to just search and print for all files that end in *.ctl or something like that within a line-window (head|tail)? Can you rather just grep or sed from your unzip output? I'm betting an unzip -l |awk script will be sufficient. I'll update answer as you provide more detail.

Just a little comment to complement mobrule's reply.

The '-' appears in unwanted lines. You need two characters to differentiate, maybe a ':', or egrep '-[0-9]'



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