
How to open the Save as ..dialog on click of the image?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-26 05:16 出处:网络
Here is the code. On click of the link , the save as dialog 开发者_StackOverflowshould open <a href=\"http://www.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/newNavLogo.png\" target=\"_new\">

Here is the code.

On click of the link , the save as dialog 开发者_StackOverflowshould open

<a href="http://www.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/newNavLogo.png" target="_new">
<img src="http://www.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/newNavLogo.png" align="left" alt="" />

How can we achive this using jQuery, or javaScript?

If you are using PHP or any other platform you can always use the force download technique.

This might help:

$file = 'tag_cloud.gif';
  // File doesn't exist, output error
  die('file not found');
  // Set headers
  header("Cache-Control: public");
  header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file");
  header("Content-Type: image/gif");
  header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
  // Read the file from disk

Call the above script as ajax in the click event of image.


How about jDownload?

Example usage is shown on the main page.

Edit: The link is now down and there are probably now better plugins for this.

Try http://jqueryfiledownload.apphb.com/

How to open the Save as ..dialog on click of the image?

$("#img").click(function() {
 document.execCommand('SaveAs','1','give img location here');

If that doesnt works use this jquery plugins for cross browser function "Cross-browser designMode"


Unfortunately, it works only with IE but not with Firefox.


 function saveImageAs (imgOrURL) {
    if (typeof imgOrURL == 'object')
      imgOrURL = imgOrURL.src;
    window.win = open (imgOrURL);
    setTimeout('win.document.execCommand("SaveAs")', 500);

  <A HREF="javascript: void 0"
     ONCLICK="saveImageAs(document.anImage); return false"
  >save image</A>
  <IMG NAME="anImage" SRC="../apache_pb2.gif">

Try this


<img src="http://www.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/newNavLogo.png" align="left" alt="" />


  $(this).wrap('<a href="'+this.src+'?download=true" target="_blank"/>');

most important you need to specify this on server side to send file with disposition attachment when ?downlaod=true was added

function dl(obj){
   window.location = obj.src;



<img src="http://www.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/newNavLogo.png" align="left" alt="" onClick="dl(this);"/>

newer browsers will stick to the old page if a download redirect is made.



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