I am having trouble with my bash prompt and line wrapping behaviour. If I use a static prompt
export PS1="test$ "; ### Works perfectly
I can type long lines on the prompt and they wrap fine. Scroll up/down in history also work fine. On using dynamic prompt like:
export PS1="\u@\h(\W)$ "; ### Long lines don't wrap at all
long lines got scrambled. Found a fix that made long lines wrap correctly. (http://hintsforums.macworld.com/showthread.php?t=17068).
export PS1="\[\u@\h(\W)$ \]"; ### Long lines wrap while typing, but not while scrolling up/down through previous commands
However, when going up/down the prompt history, the lines do not wrap. I dont know how to explain the behaviour in words, but I will try - when I go up (up arrow key), half the last command is eaten up and cursor ends up somewhere in between where the line would have wrapped.
What is the solution for this?
I remember that on many linux distributions dynamic prompts work corre开发者_高级运维ctly out of the box (this is at my workplace).
This issue is probably not about the prompt itself, but more likely about the terminal emulator behaving properly.
I use this bash prompt:
export PS1="\[\e[1;34m\]\u@\h:\W \t (\j) <\!>\n\$\[\e[0;00m\]"
which actually displays across two lines, looking exactly like this:
aks@anywhere:sh 01:43:27 (1) <1017>
$ env | grep PS
PS1=\[\e[1;34m\]\u@\h:\W \t (\j) <\!>\n\$\[\e[0;00m\]
and it works perfectly fine with history scrolling, using either CTRL-N, CTRL-P, or the arrow keys.
I am using xterm-color in Terminal.app (on a MacBookPro).