When my logger is set to "all", i am seeing messages that my code does not explicitly place. I am using a jar a friend of mine gave me to do some things (and i suspect he is logging stuff himself)
I would like to ONLY log stuff I ask to be logged by issuing the
logger.info ("something clever"); command
Below is my log4j.properties
please advise.
# ***** Set root logger level to WARN and its two appenders to stdout and R.
log4j.rootLogger=all, R
# ***** R is set to be a RollingFileAppender.
# ***** Max file size is set to 100KB
# ***** Kee开发者_如何学运维p one backup file
# ***** R uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n
Take a look at this excellent log4j cheatsheet:
- http://www.johnmunsch.com/projects/Presentations/docs/Log4J/log.properties
Basically, you need to set something like this:
log4j.rootCategory=error, R
or, alternatively:
Replace the package names as necessary.
These would make the root logger set to error (so any package - including other libraries you might be using, like Hibernate, Spring, etc.) will not log anything low-level (debug, info, warn), but log only errors.
It will also set your package (include your top level package or packages) to log on a debug level, so all your loggers will log normally. It will also set your friend's package to error, so it doesn't output anything.
If you have a common root package, just use it. E.g. if you have packages:
- com.example
- com.example.a
- com.example.a.aa
- com.example.b
- com.example.c.d
just include com.example and it will inherit for the packages below by default.
You could, of course, override it, e.g. specify:
- com.example - warn
- com.example.a.aa - debug
or something similar. Take a look here for a detailed explanation:
- http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html