Is it better to learn C# first and then ASP.NET or the reverse?
Hi first of all you need to learn some C# basics, because ASP.NET uses C# or VB.NET syntax.
I think you misunderstand some fundamentals :)
ASP.NET is not a programming language. Its a "framework", meaning its a collection of libraries and classes related to web development. You access the ASP.NET frameworks through a programming language, such as C#.
If you're new to C#, there's a good chance you're new to .NET as well. The .NET Framework (also called the .NET Base Class Library) is a collection of classes which wrap up common needs that arise in most applications. C# language is actually very easy, but learning the .NET framework can be pretty challenging.
ASP.NET is a framework that uses the .NET BCL. Its yet one more thing to learn.
In my opinion, you can learn C# and ASP.NET simultaneously.
Assuming you are already familiar with HTML, otherwise lead with that.
ASP.Net is a framework that uses C#/VB to generate HTML, so you'd get lost pretty fast without an understanding of HTML. You can't really get far in ASP.Net without learning either C# or VB, as Juliet says, so the two would tend to happen side by side.
I learnt from an earlier edition of this book - otherwise highly recommend you spend some time on where they have excellent video resources for all levels.