I'm looking to replace all occurrences of space characters that follow a new line (or occur at the beginning of the input string). I know that I can achieve this using preg_replace_callback() with a callback that uses str_repeat and strlen, or similarly with the /e switch; but was wondering if it could be done more simply.
Currently I have the following:
$testData = " Hello\n to everybody\n in the world";
echo preg_replace('/^|\n( )+/', ' ', $pValue开发者_如何学运维);
which gives:
" Hello to everybody in the world"
What I'm really after is:
" Hello\n to everybody\n in the world"
I should have searched harder before asking: found the answer (for a java solution) that seems to work perfectly. I'll leave the solution here for the sake of anybody else that has the same problem.
$testData = " Hello\n to everybody\n in the world";
echo preg_replace('/(?m)(?:^|\\G) /', ' ', $pValue);
Now just need to identify whether older versions of PHP support this.
You can use recursion
$pValue = " Hello\n to everybody\n in the world";
echo myReplace($pValue);
function myReplace($value)
$value = preg_replace('/(^|\\n)(( )*) /', '\1\2 ', $value);
if (preg_match('/(^|\\n)(( )*) /', $value))
$value = myReplace($value);
return $value;