I currently have a delphi 7 project sitting in front of me and what the original creators of the software have done is used the main form as a launch pad for another form which contains the actual controls and logic behind the entire application. So basically, form1 loads up, is set to invisible and another form (the form with all the UI controls and logic) is created and shown, its a strange way to do things, but its the way they did it.
Now I'm not familiar with the way delphi 7 handles its forms, but this second window, the window with all the controls on, whenever i click the minimise button, the form does not drop down to the taskbar as one would expect, but rather, resizes so that only the minimise, maximise and close buttons are visible and then places itself at the bottom left of the screen, just above the start menu.
the creation of this second window is:
frmPlatform := TfrmPlatform.Create(frmMain);
ModalRe开发者_如何学Gosult := frmPlatform.ShowModal;
where frmMain is the invisible form.
My question is, why does the second window not minimize as one would expect and drop to the taskbar? and how do i get it to work,
Standard behaviour of forms I'm afraid as the mainform is by default the only form shown by Delphi on the taskbar. You can however set other forms to appear on the taskbar as well:
procedure TForm1.CreateParams
(var Params: TCreateParams);
inherited CreateParams(Params);
Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle
And you can hide your current main form of course as well, see: http://delphi.about.com/od/adptips1999/qt/hidefromtaskbar.htm, and http://delphi.about.com/od/delphitips2008/qt/hide_taskbutton.htm for D2007 and up.
I think you will find that in standard Delphi apps only the main (first) form will be shown in the task bar. Since your main form is invisible that's your issue. The minimize is probably due to the second form being called with show modal rather than simply show.
Can you remove the first form or change which form is the main form? This can be done from the project settings page.