How do you use Map.foldLeft? According to the docs it looks like
foldLeft [B] (z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) ⇒ B) : B
But I'm having difficulty:
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a,(k,v)开发者_如何学编程) => a+v )
error: not a legal formal parameter
The error points to the open bracket in front of k.
If you want to use the (a, (k, v))
syntax, you need to advise the compiler to use pattern matching.
Map("first"->1, "second"->2).foldLeft(0){ case (a, (k, v)) => a+v }
Note that a case
statement requires curly braces.
I think, you can't do the pattern match on tuples as you expect:
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a, t) => a + t._2)
Actually, using values and sum is simpler.
The trick is to use a partial function as the code block, in other words you add a case
statement that matches on the arguments:
Map("first" -> 1, "second" -> 2).foldLeft(0) { case (a, (k, v)) => a + v }
This is not really an answer to your question but I found it useful when starting out with folds, so I'll say it anyway! Note that the /:
method "alias" for foldLeft
can be clearer for two reasons:
xs.foldLeft(y) { (yy, x) => /* ... */ }
(y /: xs) { (yy, x) => /* ... */ }
Note that in the second line:
- it's more clear that the value
is being folded into the collectionxs
- you can easily remember the ordering of the
argument is the same as the ordering of the method "call"