As not all our development machines have internet access, we want to cache the API docs of various libraries in our local network. I was thinking of a webapp that handles caching and listing the available Javadocs after someone uploads them (in jar format). Ideally, the source jars would be automatically pulled from our m开发者_StackOverflow社区aven repository (artifactory).
I have not been successful in finding anything like this on google, so I'm trying my luck here.
I have found a site that does exactly what I am looking for: The problem is that this site does not fulfill my #1 requirement - offline availability. So I rephrase my question to: Is there a webapp that works like jarvana but that can be deployed to a local server?
It seems like what I'm looking for really doesn't exist, so I've rolled my own really simple webapp that serves JavaDocs from a local maven repository (transparently extracting jar files). It's far from perfect, but it works for my requirements. If anyone is interested, I shared it on github:
Why not just use mvn site
Hm, I'd better add something more useful than that :-)
mvn site will build and deploy a bunch of site reports including the javadoc (assuming you configure that plugin). Everytime your CI server builds the code from trunk/branch/tag/whereever, the latest Javadocs will be generated and stored on the file system (accessible via HTTP)!
There's even a cool report that ties the javadoc into the source code.
You can give wwwoffle a try. A caching proxy which enables to access sites while you're offline.
I wrote a python script some time ago to serve the javadoc from my local maven repo:
It's crude, but hitting http://localhost:8080/m2
will list all of the projects in your local maven repository with downloaded docs.
You can download all the javadoc jars for a maven project with:
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc