I have a list of IPs, I have to transform all the lPs starting with 210.x.x.x
to 10.x.x.x
For exa开发者_运维技巧mple:
Is there any in-line Perl regular expression substitution to do that?
I would like to have this substitution in Perl.
$ip =~ s/^210\./10./;
why don't you use sed instead ?
sed -e 's/^210\./10./' yourfile.txt
If you really want a perl script :
while (<>) { $_ =~ s/^210\./10./; print }
# Read the IP list file and store in an array
$ipfile = 'ipfile.txt';
open(ipfile) or die "Can't open the file";
@iplist = <ipfile>;
# Substitute 210.x IPs and store all IPs into a new array
foreach $_(@iplist)
push (@newip,$_);
# Print the new array
print @newip;
You could use perl -pe
to iterate over the lines of the file and do a simple substitution:
perl -pe 's/^210\./10./' file
Or to modify the file in-place:
perl -pi -e 's/^210\./10./' file
See perlrun and s///.