When you have a multiplayer game where the server is receiving movement (location) information from the client, you want to verify this information as an anti-cheating measure.
This can be done like this:
maxPlayerSpeed = 300; // = 300 pixels every 1 second
if ((1000 / (getTime() - oldTimestamp) * (newPosX - oldPosX)) > maxPlayerSpeed)
disconnect(player); //this is illegal!
This is a simple example, only taking the X coords into consideration. The problem here is that the oldTimestamp is stored as soon as the last location update was received by the server. This means that if there was a lag spike at that time, the old timestamp will be received much later relatively than the new location update by the server. This means开发者_如何转开发 that the time difference will not be accurate.
- Client says: I am now at position 5x10
- Lag spike: server receives this message at timestamp 500 (it should normally arrive at like 30)
- ....1 second movement...
- Client says: I am now at position 20x15
- No lag spike: server receives message at timestamp 1530
The server will now think that the time difference between these two locations is 1030. However, the real time difference is 1500. This could cause the anti-cheating detection to think that 1030 is not long enough, thus kicking the client.
Possible solution: let the client send a timestamp while sending, so that the server can use these timestamps instead
Problem: the problem with that solution is that the player could manipulate the client to send a timestamp that is not legal, so the anti-cheating system won't kick in. This is not a good solution.
It is also possible to simply allow maxPlayerSpeed * 2 speed (for example), however this basically allows speed hacking up to twice as fast as normal. This is not a good solution either.
So: do you have any suggestions on how to fix this "server timestamp & latency" issue in order to make my anti-cheating measures worthwhile?
No no no.. with all due respect this is all wrong, and how NOT to do it.
The remedy is not trusting your clients. Don't make the clients send their positions, make them send their button states! View the button states as requests where the clients say "I'm moving forwards, unless you object". If the client sends a "moving forward" message and can't move forward, the server can ignore that or do whatever it likes to ensure consistency. In that case, the client only fools itself.
As for speed-hacks made possible by packet flooding, keep a packet counter. Eject clients who send more packets within a certain timeframe than the allowed settings. Clients should send one packet per tick/frame/world timestep. It's handy to name the packets based on time in whole timestep increments. Excessive packets of the same timestep can then be identified and ignored. Note that sending the same packet several times is a good idea when using UDP, to prevent package loss.
Again, never trust the client. This can't be emphasized enough.
Smooth out lag spikes by filtering. Or to put this another way, instead of always comparing their new position to the previous position, compare it to the position of several updates ago. That way any short-term jitter is averaged out. In your example the server could look at the position before the lag spike and see that overall the player is moving at a reasonable speed.
For each player, you could simply hold the last X positions, or you might hold a lot of recent positions plus some older positions (eg 2, 3, 5, 10 seconds ago).
Generally you'd be performing interpolation/extrapolation on the server anyway within the normal movement speed bounds to hide the jitter from other players - all you're doing is extending this to your cheat checking mechanism as well. All legitimate speed-ups are going to come after an apparent slow-down, and interpolation helps cover that sort of error up.
Regardless of opinions on the approach, what you are looking for is the speed threshold that is considered "cheating". Given a a distance and a time increment, you can trivially see if they moved "too far" based on your cheat threshold.
time = thisTime - lastTime;
speed = distance / time;
If (speed > threshold) dudeIsCheating();
The times used for measurement are server received packet times. While it seems trivial, it is calculating distance for every character movement, which can end up very expensive. The best route is server calculate position based on velocity and that is the character's position. The client never communicates a position or absolute velocity, instead, the client sends a "percent of max" velocity.
To clarify: This was just for the cheating check. Your code has the possibility of lag or long processing on the server affect your outcome. The formula should be:
maxPlayerSpeed = 300; // = 300 pixels every 1 second
if (maxPlayerSpeed <
(distanceTraveled(oldPos, newPos) / (receiveNewest() - receiveLast()))
disconnect(player); //this is illegal!
This compares the players rate of travel against the maximum rate of travel. The timestamps are determined by when you receive the packet, not when you process the data. You can use whichever method you care to to determine the updates to send to the clients, but for the threshold method you want for determining cheating, the above will not be impacted by lag.
Receive packet 1 at second 1: Character at position 1
Receive packet 2 at second 100: Character at position 3000
distance traveled = 2999
time = 99
rate = 30
No cheating occurred.
Receive packet 3 at second 101: Character at position 3301
distance traveled = 301
time = 1
rate = 301
Cheating detected.
What you are calling a "lag spike" is really high latency in packet delivery. But it doesn't matter since you aren't going by when the data is processed, you go by when each packet was received. If you keep the time calculations independent of your game tick processing (as they should be as stuff happened during that "tick") high and low latency only affect how sure the server is of the character position, which you use interpolation + extrapolation to resolve.
If the client is out of sync enough to where they haven't received any corrections to their position and are wildly out of sync with the server, there is significant packet loss and high latency which your cheating check will not be able to account for. You need to account for that at a lower layer with the handling of actual network communications.
For any game data, the ideal method is for all systems except the server to run behind by 100-200ms. Say you have an intended update every 50ms. The client receives the first and second. The client doesn't have any data to display until it receives the second update. Over the next 50 ms, it shows the progression of changes as it has already occurred (ie, it's on a very slight delayed playback). The client sends its button states to the server. The local client also predicts the movement, effects, etc. based on those button presses but only sends the server the "button state" (since there are a finite number of buttons, there are a finite number of bits necessary to represent each state, which allows for a more compact packet format).
The server is the authoritative simulation, determining the actual outcomes. The server sends updates every, say, 50ms to the clients. Rather than interpolating between two known frames, the server instead extrapolates positions, etc. for any missing data. The server knows what the last real position was. When it receives an update, the next packet sent to each of the clients includes the updated information. The client should then receive this information prior to reaching that point in time and the players react to it as it occurs, not seeing any odd jumping around because it never displayed an incorrect position.
It's possible to have the client be authoritative for some things, or to have a client act as the authoritative server. The key is determining how much impact trust in the client is there.
The client should be sending updates regularly, say, every 50 ms. That means that a 500 ms "lag spike" (delay in packet reception), either all packets sent within the delay period will be delayed by a similar amount or the packets will be received out of order. The underlying networking should handle these delays gracefully (by discarding packets that have an overly large delay, enforcing in order packet delivery, etc.). The end result is that with proper packet handling, the issues anticipated should not occur. Additionally, not receiving explicit character locations from the client and instead having the server explicitly correct the client and only receive control states from the client would prevent this issue.