I made some custom template and I still struggling with the most significant problem, how could I make a quickstart?
All the information what I found, doesn't helped me, including (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqG6Z8nhyBU), which is briefly:
- Copy the designed database
- Delete configuration.php from copied root
- Copy default Joomla! Installation folde开发者_运维知识库r to copied root
- Export sql.file from original database to copied installation/sql/msql
- Rename that to sample_data.sql
- Upload whole content to the server
- Install as a usual Joomla! site
All the time I getting: Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid. in this reason I have to skip this message) when I select install sample data in my Joomla! pack installation. My template not appears as deafult and the places of module postions these are messages for e.g:
Warning: DB reports: DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'masolat.jos_sobi2_language' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_sobi2_language
ORDER BY sobi2Lang
in C:\wamp\www\masolat\components\com_sobi2\config.class.php on line 2534
...and so on.....
So prorbaly the whole process that I've made is false. That's why I would like ask you some help.
Have you any idea, how can I accomplish without any kind of Joomla! copy/restore extension? Short guide, review, link, explanation will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance! Regards: Nehogymar
There are two ways that you can install Joomla, the way that you described or the easy way for non-programmers.
Try to install joomla the easy way, There is very good explanation in Joomla documentation. try: http://help.joomla.org/content/view/39/132
There is also a excellent guide for installing Joomla on WAMP: http://www.compassdesigns.net/joomla-tutorials/how-to-install-joomla-15
The simple way to make a copy of a Joomla website to install is to use Akeeba Backup. It makes a nice ZIP package with all of the files, settings, and database with a nice install script. I have a base install with all of the extensions I use to speed up configuration time.