I would like to check all of the checkbox 开发者_高级运维made by Ext.grid.CheckColumn in a gridpanel, may I know if there is any easy way to do this? I have try to add class to the checkbox(Ext.grid.CheckColumn) but it seem not work.
Thanks very much!
If you're rendering a store field as a checbox column, you have to set that field to true for all the records in the store.
store.each(function(rec){ rec.set('field', true) })
Never try to change a grid cell's value directly, always change it via the store's corresponding record.
Update: if you have many records, use something like this:
store.suspendEvents(); // avoid view update after each row
store.each(function(rec){ rec.set('field', true) })
Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel provides a selectAll() method, if this is what you're looking for.
Can you show us some codes? I presume CheckColumn is something that you created?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var SelectAll = function (value) {
Store1.data.each(function (record) {
record.set('IsSelected', value);
<ext:Button ID="btnSelectAll" runat="server" Text="Select All" >
<Click Handler="SelectAll(true);" />
NB: Store1 is the name of the store and IsSelected is the field name as specified in the JsonReader reader