I have a list which I call #gallery in which I've defined a couple of li boxes.
<ul id="gallery">
<li style="display: list-item; ui-draggable">A</li>
and a box to drop them into ...
<div id="conditions-box" class="ui-droppable">
<ul class="gallery ui-helper-reset ui-sortable"></ul>
With the following js
$('#conditions-box > ul').sortable();
$("#gallery > li").draggable({
connectToSortable: '#conditions-box > ul',
helper: 'clone'
When my conditions box list is empty as you see now I can drag the boxes in but they dont "stick" only when I place an existing li into the conditions box code does it actually work. However I dont want to have to do t开发者_C百科his. If you want a play you can see below. Any ideas ?
ref - http://jsfiddle.net/wmitchell/zCDE7/2/
I think you need to set height
for your conditions-box
sortable. You can use css like:
#conditions-box {
height: 40px;
Try adding the dropOnEmpty option to the sortable, even though the default should be true, it doesn't appear to be working, because it works when the sortable is not empty.