
Easy way to see saved NSUserDefaults?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-10 18:40 出处:网络
Is there a 开发者_开发知识库way to see what\'s been saved to NSUserDefaults directly?I\'d like to see if my data saved correctly.You can print all current NSUserDefaults to the log:

Is there a 开发者_开发知识库way to see what's been saved to NSUserDefaults directly? I'd like to see if my data saved correctly.

You can print all current NSUserDefaults to the log:

Just keys:

NSLog(@"%@", [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation] allKeys]);

Keys and values:

NSLog(@"%@", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation]);

You can find the pList file for your app in the simulator if you go to:

/users/your user name/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<Sim Version>/Applications

This directory has a bunch of GUID named directories. If you are working on a few apps there will be a few of them. So you need to find your app binary:

find . -name foo.app

Then go to the Library/Preferences directory in the GUID directory. So:

cd 1BAB4C83-8E7E-4671-AC35-6043F8A9BFA7/Library/Preferences

You should find a file that looks like:

<Bundle Identifier>.foo.pList

Open this up in the pList editor and browse persisted values to your heart's content.

In Swift we can use the following:-

Swift 3.x & 4.x

For getting all keys & values:

for (key, value) in UserDefaults.standard.dictionaryRepresentation() {
    print("\(key) = \(value) \n")

For retrieving the complete dictionary representation of user defaults:


For retrieving the keys:

// Using dump since the keys are an array of strings.

For retrieving the values:

We can use dump here as well, but that will return the complete inheritance hierarchy of each element in the values array. If more information about the objects is required, then use dump, else go ahead with the normal print statement.

// dump(Array(UserDefaults.standard.dictionaryRepresentation().values))

Swift 2.x

For retrieving the complete dictionary representation of user defaults:


For retrieving the keys:


For retrieving the values:


You can check the values for each key in the array, returned by

[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation] allKeys]

I sometimes use the following snippet to print out the location of my NSUserDefaults file when running in the simulator

NSArray *path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
   NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *folder = [path objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"Your NSUserDefaults are stored in this folder: %@/Preferences", folder);

It yields the path to the preferences folder

Your NSUserDefaults are stored in this folder: /Users/castle/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/BC5056A0-F46B-4AF1-A6DC-3A7DAB984960/Library/Preferences

Your NSUserDefaults file is located in the preferences folder and named according to your prefix and appliation name e.g.


I expect the same to be true for the actual device.

Easy, since the plist file name is <app-bundle-identifier>.plist, you can use find command to find its path. But it will take very long if you search your whole computer, so you have to pick a good scope, like ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator for Xcode 6.


find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator -type f -name com.awesome.app.plist

the output will be something like this...


And from there you can use open command. Or if you use iTerm2, just command-click on the path to open it.

Use below code.

NSLog(@"NSUserDefault: %@", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation]);

In Swift 4.0

//func dictionaryRepresentation() -> [String : AnyObject]

because dictionaryRepresentation of NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() returns [String : AnyObject]

We cast it into an NSDictionary. Then by surrounding it in parenthesis '()' will allow us to to call .allKeys or .allValues just as you would on any NSDictionary

 print((UserDefaults.standard.dictionaryRepresentation() as NSDictionary).allKeys)

For OS X applications, instead of finding the application's defaults plist file, it is simpler to use the defaults command line utility.


 defaults -- access the Mac OS X user defaults system


 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] read [domain [key]]

 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] read-type domain key

 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] write domain { 'plist' | key 'value' }

 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] rename domain old_key new_key

 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] delete [domain [key]]

 defaults [-currentHost | -host hostname] { domains | find word | help }


defaults allows users to read, write, and delete Mac OS X user defaults from a command-line shell. Mac OS X applications and other programs use the defaults system to record user preferences and other information that must be maintained when the applications aren't running (such as default font for new documents, or the position of an Info panel). Much of this information is accessible through an appli- cation's Preferences panel, but some of it isn't, such as the position of the Info panel. You can access this information with defaults


$ defaults read com.apple.Safari
    AutoplayPolicyWhitelistConfigurationUpdateDate = "2018-08-24 17:33:48 +0000";
    AutoplayQuirksWhitelistConfigurationUpdateDate = "2018-08-24 17:33:48 +0000";
    DefaultBrowserPromptingState2 = 4;

For Xcode 7

NSUserDefaults standardDefaults are stored here:


NSUserDefaults for a suite/app group are stored here:


I would recommend using https://github.com/scinfu/NCSimulatorPlugin because these days everything is behind UUIDs and are a pain to find. It allows easy access to your simulator app directories.

I built this method based on Morion's suggestion for better presentation. Use it by calling [self logAllUserDefaults]

- (void) logAllUserDefaults
    NSArray *keys = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation] allKeys];
    NSArray *values = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation] allValues];
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.count; i++) {
        NSLog(@"%@: %@", [keys objectAtIndex:i], [values objectAtIndex:i]);

Look for the Mac app called SimPholders2. It lives in the menu bar, and lists all of the simulators you've used, and then shows each of your apps. Select one and you get a new Finder window, already open to the app's directory. This makes it super easy to find your app and all of it's directories. It's a huge time saver (and I readily donated to the author).

In Swift 2.2

let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.LibraryDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
let folder = path[0]
NSLog("Your NSUserDefaults are stored in this folder: \(folder)/Preferences")

will print out NSUserDefaults's plist file folder location in Xcode debug console. Copy the path string. Open your Finder, select Go to Folder in Go menu item, Paste the path string. Double click the plist file. You will see the contents in your Xcode editor.

Only work in Simulator

Thanks @Niels Castle

Simulator App

This shell script search for the name of the app, obtain the bundle id, and open folders containing the Plist files.


[ -z $appname ] && read -p "Application name : " appname

apppath=$(find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ -name "$appname.app" -print -quit)
if [[ ! -z $apppath ]]; then
    appbundle=$(osascript -e "id of app \"$apppath\"")
    find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ -name "$appbundle.plist" -exec bash -c 'open "$(dirname "$1")"' -- {} \;
    echo "No application found by that name: $appname.app"

Extended script version

Usage: iphone-app-folder "My App"

[ -z "$appname" ] && read -p "Application name : " appname

apppath=$(find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices -name "$appname.app" -print -quit)
if [[ ! -z $apppath ]]; then
    appbundle=$(osascript -e "id of app \"$apppath\"")
    echo "Found app $appname (${appbundle})"
    echo -e "\033[1;30m$apppath\033[0m"
    plists=$(find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices -name "$appbundle.plist" -print -quit)
    count=$(echo plists | wc -l | sed "s/ //g")
    if [[ $count -eq 1 ]] && [[ -f "$plists" ]]; then
        echo -e "\033[1;32mUserDefaults found for $appname\033[0m"
        echo -e "\033[1;30m$plists\033[0m"
        plistutil -i "$plists"
        /usr/bin/open $(dirname "$plists")
    elif [[ ${#plists} -gt 0 ]]; then
        echo -e "\033[1;32mUserDefaults found for $appname\033[0m"
        while read line; do
            echo "[${i}] ${line} "
        done < <(echo "$plists")
        read -p "Select defaults to read: [1-${count}] " choice
        plist=$(echo ${plists} | sed -n "${choice}p")
        plistutil -i "$plist"
        /usr/bin/open $(dirname "$plist")
        echo -e "\033[31mNo UserDefaults plist found for $appname\033[0m"
    echo -e "\033[31mNo application found by that name: $appname.app\033[0m"

Found app My App (com.organisation.MyApp) /Users/organisation/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3E4C8DC3-6FF4-428F-A624-B78DBE0B8C83/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/960A5232-219D-4C46-8CA3-01E259D8DDAD/My App.app

UserDefaults found for My App

Mac App

defaults read com.bundleid.app

Swift 5 Xcode 11.2 Solution

This is the whole path where your UserDefaults key values will be in a plist file. Follow and find your app bundle identifier .plist file.

/Users/'Your User Name'/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4176EED3-B9FC-4C77-A25E-ASD201B9FDFG2/data/Containers/Data/Application/56D7CE31-9A8B-4371-9B0F-9604E239423B0/Library/Preferences

Here "4176EED3-B9FC-4C77-A25E-ASD201B9FDFG2" is your Device ID

and "56D7CE31-9A8B-4371-9B0F-9604E239423B0" is your Application ID

I normally get them by sorting folders by last Date Modified in Finder. And most recent edited folder is my device ID and App ID.


I keep a shortcut on my desktop to the simulator's folder where it keeps the apps, ie:

/Users/gary/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications

Sorted by most recent date, then just go into the most recent app folder Library/Preferences and view the file in the plist editor.

Swift 3


For MacOS apps
Go to: /Users/{User}/Library/Containers/com.{your company}.{your app}/Data/Library/Preferences and open your app's pList with Xcode.

You could NSLog each value you set, like:

NSLog(@"%@",[[NSUserDefaults standardDefaults] stringForKey:@"WhateverTheKeyYouSet"]);

After reading this question's accepted answer, I put together this simple script that opens the plist files used by the iOS simulator to store the NSUserDefaults preferences, and while it assumes a certain setup (fits mine perfectly), it may work as a starting point for others.

$ cat open-prefs-plist.sh

# The project name based on the workspace path, e.g. "MyProject" from "./MyProject.xcworkspace"
WORKSPACE_NAME=$(echo `find . -name *.xcworkspace -type d -exec basename {} \;` | cut -d'.' -f1)
SIMULATOR_PATH="$HOME/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator"
# The App's bundle ID taken from its info plist, e.g "com.myproject" from "./MyProject/MyProject-Info.plist"
BUNDLE_ID=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier $WORKSPACE_NAME/$WORKSPACE_NAME"-Info.plist"`
# Open all plist files in the simulator path that match the app's bundle ID 
# normally one per iOS version
find "$SIMULATOR_PATH" -name $BUNDLE_ID".plist" -type f -print0 \
    | while IFS= read -r -d '' PLIST; do
    echo $PLIST
    open "$PLIST"

Example placement:

$ ls -1
MyProject Tests

You can user this to get the full path on user preferences, cache and many other data

print(NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true))

You can print out the path for the preferences directory from application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: callback in your AppDelegate:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    print(FileManager.default.urls(for: .preferencePanesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!)
    return true

Then you can look at the plist file directly to see what's saved in there.

It will work on upper version SWIFT 4

just put that code in AppDelegate's any method and set breakpoint there

**> let path =
> NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory,
> FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true).first**

when you run a project, print "path" and you will get path to reach info.plist with userdefaults Then just go to finder and paste that path you are reached on that file

for users looking to find the new location for preference stored in the simulator. This is where I find the values stored.


since we can see there are big identifiers that are hard to guess from the terminal so I would suggest searching for them in your terminal or finder.

the file name should end with {bundle id}.plist for example com.sellerbuddy.online.plist so you can just head to terminal and hit enter something like below with your app bundle identifier.

find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices -type f -name "com.sellerbuddy.online.plist"

Easy way to see saved NSUserDefaults?



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