I want to create singleton class that read request name values from the XML configuration file only one time and store values into an memory, but i am confused how to design my XML configuration file which full fill my requirement.
my designed XML file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Request name="validateEmailRequest">
<Request name="cleanEmail">
please help me to design an XML and also how to store and retrieve respected values.
For configuring Java applications, it is really recommended to use the build-in Properties functionality. Properties are (singleton) key/value-pairs. They are however stored in a plain-text format rather than XML. More information can be found here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/environment/properties.html
In order to structure the properties, the naming convention is to use dotted names. Your properties-file, could thus look like this:
validateEmailRequest.requestQueue = emailrequest
validateEmailRequest.responsQueue = emailresponse
cleanEmail.requestQueue = cleanrequest
cleanEmail.responseQueue = cleanresponse
The above link also provides information about reading and writing the properties.