
How to retrieve absolute path given relative

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-24 18:53 出处:网络
Is there a command to retrieve the absolute path given a relative path? For example I want $line to contain the absolute path of each file in dir ./etc/

Is there a command to retrieve the absolute path given a relative path?

For example I want $line to contain the absolute path of each file in dir ./etc/

find ./ -type 开发者_如何学运维f | while read line; do
   echo $line

Try realpath.

~ $ sudo apt-get install realpath  # may already be installed
~ $ realpath .bashrc

To avoid expanding symlinks, use realpath -s.

The answer comes from "bash/fish command to print absolute path to a file".

If you have the coreutils package installed you can generally use readlink -f relative_file_name in order to retrieve the absolute one (with all symlinks resolved)

#! /bin/sh
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")"

UPD Some explanations

  1. This script get relative path as argument "$1"
  2. Then we get dirname part of that path (you can pass either dir or file to this script): dirname "$1"
  3. Then we cd "$(dirname "$1") into this relative dir and get absolute path for it by running pwd shell command
  4. After that we append basename to absolute path: $(basename "$1")
  5. As final step we echo it


find "$(pwd)"/ -type f

to get all files or

echo "$(pwd)/$line"

to display full path (if relative path matters to)

For what it's worth, I voted for the answer that was picked, but wanted to share a solution. The downside is, it's Linux only - I spent about 5 minutes trying to find the OSX equivalent before coming to Stack overflow. I'm sure it's out there though.

On Linux you can use readlink -e in tandem with dirname.

$(dirname $(readlink -e ../../../../etc/passwd))



And then you use dirname's sister, basename to just get the filename

$(basename ../../../../../passwd)



Put it all together..

echo "$(dirname $(readlink -e $F))/$(basename $F)"



You're safe if you're targeting a directory, basename will return nothing and you'll just end up with double slashes in the final output.

I think this is the most portable:

abspath() {                                               
    cd "$(dirname "$1")"
    printf "%s/%s\n" "$(pwd)" "$(basename "$1")"
    cd "$OLDPWD"

It will fail if the path does not exist though.

realpath is probably best

But ...

The initial question was very confused to start with, with an example poorly related to the question as stated.

The selected answer actually answers the example given, and not at all the question in the title. The first command is that answer (is it really ? I doubt), and could do as well without the '/'. And I fail to see what the second command is doing.

Several issues are mixed :

  • changing a relative pathname into an absolute one, whatever it denotes, possibly nothing. (Typically, if you issue a command such as touch foo/bar, the pathname foo/bar must exist for you, and possibly be used in computation, before the file is actually created.)

  • there may be several absolute pathname that denote the same file (or potential file), notably because of symbolic links (symlinks) on the path, but possibly for other reasons (a device may be mounted twice as read-only). One may or may not want to resolve explicity such symlinks.

  • getting to the end of a chain of symbolic links to a non-symlink file or name. This may or may not yield an absolute path name, depending on how it is done. And one may, or may not want to resolve it into an absolute pathname.

The command readlink foo without option gives an answer only if its argument foo is a symbolic link, and that answer is the value of that symlink. No other link is followed. The answer may be a relative path: whatever was the value of the symlink argument.

However, readlink has options (-f -e or -m) that will work for all files, and give one absolute pathname (the one with no symlinks) to the file actually denoted by the argument.

This works fine for anything that is not a symlink, though one might desire to use an absolute pathname without resolving the intermediate symlinks on the path. This is done by the command realpath -s foo

In the case of a symlink argument, readlink with its options will again resolve all symlinks on the absolute path to the argument, but that will also include all symlinks that may be encountered by following the argument value. You may not want that if you desired an absolute path to the argument symlink itself, rather than to whatever it may link to. Again, if foo is a symlink, realpath -s foo will get an absolute path without resolving symlinks, including the one given as argument.

Without the -s option, realpath does pretty much the same as readlink, except for simply reading the value of a link, as well as several other things. It is just not clear to me why readlink has its options, creating apparently an undesirable redundancy with realpath.

Exploring the web does not say much more, except that there may be some variations across systems.

Conclusion : realpath is the best command to use, with the most flexibility, at least for the use requested here.

My favourite solution was the one by @EugenKonkov because it didn't imply the presence of other utilities (the coreutils package).

But it failed for the relative paths "." and "..", so here is a slightly improved version handling these special cases.

It still fails if the user doesn't have the permission to cd into the parent directory of the relative path, though.

#! /bin/sh

# Takes a path argument and returns it as an absolute path. 
# No-op if the path is already absolute.
function to-abs-path {
    local target="$1"

    if [ "$target" == "." ]; then
        echo "$(pwd)"
    elif [ "$target" == ".." ]; then
        echo "$(dirname "$(pwd)")"
        echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")"

Eugen's answer didn't quite work for me but this did:

    absolute="$(cd $(dirname \"$file\"); pwd)/$(basename \"$file\")"

Side note, your current working directory is unaffected.

An improvement to @ernest-a's rather nice version:

absolute_path() {
    cd "$(dirname "$1")"
    case $(basename $1) in
        ..) echo "$(dirname $(pwd))";;
        .)  echo "$(pwd)";;
        *)  echo "$(pwd)/$(basename $1)";;

This deals correctly with the case where the last element of the path is .., in which case the "$(pwd)/$(basename "$1")" in @ernest-a's answer will come through as accurate_sub_path/spurious_subdirectory/...

The best solution, imho, is the one posted here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3373298/9724628.

It does require python to work, but it seems to cover all or most of the edge cases and be very portable solution.

  1. With resolving symlinks:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file
  1. or without it:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file

In case of find, it's probably easiest to just give the absolute path for it to search in, e.g.:

find /etc
find `pwd`/subdir_of_current_dir/ -type f

If you are using bash on Mac OS X which neither has realpath existed nor its readlink can print the absolute path, you may have choice but to code your own version to print it. Here is my implementation:

(pure bash)

  local thePath
  if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^/ ]];then
  echo "$thePath"|(
  read -a parr
  declare -a outp
  for i in "${parr[@]}";do
    case "$i" in
    ''|.) continue ;;
      if ((len==0));then
        unset outp[$((len-1))] 
  echo /"${outp[*]}"

(use gawk)

abspath_gawk() {
    if [[ -n "$1" ]];then
        echo $1|gawk '{
            if(substr($0,1,1) != "/"){
                path = ENVIRON["PWD"]"/"$0
            } else path = $0
            split(path, a, "/")
            n = asorti(a, b,"@ind_num_asc")
            for(i in a){
                if(a[i]=="" || a[i]=="."){
                    delete a[i]
            n = asorti(a, b, "@ind_num_asc")
            m = 0
                m = n
                        if(b[i-1] in a){
                            delete a[b[i-1]]
                            delete a[b[i]]
                            n = asorti(a, b, "@ind_num_asc")
                        } else exit 1
            n = asorti(a, b, "@ind_num_asc")
                printf "/"
            } else {
                    printf "/"a[b[i]]

(pure bsd awk)

#!/usr/bin/env awk -f
function abspath(path,    i,j,n,a,b,back,out){
  if(substr(path,1,1) != "/"){
    path = ENVIRON["PWD"]"/"path
  split(path, a, "/")
  n = length(a)
    delete a[i]
      } else {
    } else {
      } else {
    return "/"
  } else {
    return out

      print abspath(ARGV[k])
  print abspath($0)


$ abspath I/am/.//..//the/./god/../of///.././war

Similar to @ernest-a's answer but without affecting $OLDPWD or define a new function you could fire a subshell (cd <path>; pwd)

$ pwd
$ cd ../cups 
$ cd -
$ (cd ~/..; pwd)
$ cd -

I was unable to find a solution that was neatly portable between Mac OS Catalina, Ubuntu 16 and Centos 7, so I decided to do it with python inline and it worked well for my bash scripts.

to_abs_path() {
  python -c "import os; print os.path.abspath('$1')"

to_abs_path "/some_path/../secrets"

I found Eugen Konkov's answer to be the best as it doesn't require installing any program. However, it will fail for non-existent directories.

I wrote a function that works for non-existent directories:

function getRealPath()
    local -i traversals=0
    while :; do
        [[ "$currentDir" == '.' ]] && { echo "$1"; return 1; }
        [[ $traversals -eq 0 ]] && pwd=$(cd "$currentDir" 2>&1 && pwd) && { echo "$pwd/$basename"; return 0; }
        currentBasename="$(basename "$currentDir")"
        currentDir="$(dirname "$currentDir")"
        [[ "$currentBasename" == '..' ]] && (( ++traversals )) || { [[ traversals -gt 0 ]] && (( traversals-- )) || basename="$currentBasename/$basename"; }

It solves the problem of non-existent directories by traversing up with dirname until cd succeeds, then returning the current directory plus everything that was removed by dirname.

What they said, except find $PWD or (in bash) find ~+ is a bit more convenient.

If the relative path is a directory path, then try mine, should be the best:

absPath=$(pushd ../SOME_RELATIVE_PATH_TO_Directory > /dev/null && pwd && popd > /dev/null)

echo $absPath

echo "mydir/doc/ mydir/usoe ./mydir/usm" |  awk '{ split($0,array," "); for(i in array){ system("cd "array[i]" && echo $PWD") } }'

You could use bash string substitution for any relative path $line:

line=$(echo ${line/#..\//`cd ..; pwd`\/})
line=$(echo ${line/#.\//`pwd`\/})
echo $line

The basic front-of-string substitution follows the formula
which is discussed well here: https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html

The \ character negates the / when we want it to be part of the string that we find/replace.

Here's a rather short function that can be used to fully absolutize and canonicalize any given input path using only POSIX shell and readlink semantics:

canonicalize_path() {
        for _ in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;  # Maximum symlink recursion depth
            cd -L "`case "${FILEPATH}" in */*) echo "${FILEPATH%/*}";; *) echo ".";; esac`/"  # cd $(dirname)
            if ! FILEPATH="$(readlink "${FILEPATH##*/}" || ( echo "${FILEPATH##*/}" && false ) )";
        cd -P "." || return $?
        echo "$(pwd)/${FILEPATH}"

If the referenced file does not exist only the directory path leading up to the final filename will be resolved. If the any of the directories leading up to the file path does not exist a cd error will be returned. This happens to be the exact semantics of the GNU/Linux readlink -f command it tries to mimic.

In bash/zsh you can also compact the list of numbers to just {1..8} or similar. The number of 8 was chosen as this was maximum limit in Linux for many years before the changed it a total limit of 40 resolution for the entire path in version 4.2. If the resolution limit is reached the code will not fail, but instead return last considered path instead – an explicit [ -L "${FILEPATH}" ] check could be added to detect this condition however.

This code can also be easily reused for ensuring the current working directory matches the executed script's location in the filesystem (a common requirement for shell scripts), by simply removing the function and subshell wrapper:

for _ in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;  # Maximum symlink recursion depth
    cd -L "`case "${FILEPATH}" in */*) echo "${FILEPATH%/*}";; *) echo ".";; esac`/"  # cd $(dirname)
    if ! FILEPATH="$(readlink "${FILEPATH##*/}" || ( echo "${FILEPATH##*/}" && false ) )";
cd -P "."


cd $relative_path ; pwd

Here is an explanation that is POSIX compliant (I think), so it should work on any platform.

This is scriptable, of course, but I think breaking it down might make it easier for some people to understand / modify to a particular use case.

You can use which, locate, find, full paths, whatever.


$ x="nvi" 

file easily indicates symlinks

$ file -h `which $x`
/usr/local/bin/nvi: symbolic link to ../Cellar/nvi/1.81.6_5/bin/nvi

Next, munge the output a bit so we get a "complete" relative path.
We just need to remove the middle part in this example.

Note UPPERCASE Y vs lowercase x. There is probably a cleaner way to do this.

$ Y=$(file -h `which $x` | sed "s/$x: symbolic link to //")

$ echo $Y

Using dirname we get just the path portion. cd to it and the name should clean itself up.

$ cd `dirname $Y` ; pwd

That leads us to the old UNIX trick to "ghost walk" a directory by doing it all in parenthesis / a sub-shell. This effectively returns us to our current directory when done.

We can stick the actual file name back on the end for completeness.

ls even makes sure the absolute path is valid, for bonus points.

$ ( cd `dirname ${Y}` ; ls `pwd`/${x} )

So /usr/local/bin/nvi is really /usr/local/Cellar/nvi/1.81.6_5/bin/nvi

Simplified example to quickly "convert" a path:

$ (cd /usr/local/bin/../Cellar/nvi/1.81.6_5/bin ; pwd)

https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/file.html https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/dirname.html

If you want to transform a variable containing a relative path into an absolute one, this works :

   dir=`cd "$dir"`

"cd" echoes without changing the working directory, because executed here in a sub-shell.

This is a chained solution from all others, for example, when realpath fails, either because it is not installed or because it exits with error code, then, the next solution is attempted until it get the path right.


function getabsolutepath() {
    local target;
    local changedir;
    local basedir;
    local firstattempt;

    if [ "$target" == "." ];
        printf "%s" "$(pwd)";

    elif [ "$target" == ".." ];
        printf "%s" "$(dirname "$(pwd)")";

        changedir="$(dirname "${target}")" && basedir="$(basename "${target}")" && firstattempt="$(cd "${changedir}" && pwd)" && printf "%s/%s" "${firstattempt}" "${basedir}" && return 0;
        firstattempt="$(readlink -f "${target}")" && printf "%s" "${firstattempt}" && return 0;
        firstattempt="$(realpath "${target}")" && printf "%s" "${firstattempt}" && return 0;

        # If everything fails... TRHOW PYTHON ON IT!!!
        local fullpath;
        local pythoninterpreter;
        local pythonexecutables;
        local pythonlocations;

        declare -a pythonlocations=("/usr/bin" "/bin");
        declare -a pythonexecutables=("python" "python2" "python3");

        for path in "${pythonlocations[@]}";
            for executable in "${pythonexecutables[@]}";

                if [[ -f "${fullpath}" ]];
                    # printf "Found ${fullpath}\\n";

            if [[ "${pythoninterpreter}" != "python" ]];
                # printf "Breaking... ${pythoninterpreter}\\n"

        firstattempt="$(${pythoninterpreter} -c "import os, sys; print( os.path.abspath( sys.argv[1] ) );" "${target}")" && printf "%s" "${firstattempt}" && return 0;
        # printf "Error: Could not determine the absolute path!\\n";
        return 1;

printf "\\nResults:\\n%s\\nExit: %s\\n" "$(getabsolutepath "./asdfasdf/ asdfasdf")" "${?}"

Based on this answer by @EugenKonkov and this answer by @HashChange, my answer combines the brevity of the former with the handling of . and .. of the latter. I believe that all the options below rely upon nothing more than the basic Shell Command Language POSIX standards.

Using dirname and basename, an option is:

    [ -d "${1}" ] && set -- "${1}" || set -- "`dirname "${1}"`" "/`basename "${1}"`"
    echo "`cd "${1}"; pwd`${2}";

Without using dirname or basename, another brief option is:

    [ -d "${1}" ] && set -- "${1}" || set -- "${1%${1##*/}}" "/${1##*/}"
    echo "`cd "${1:-.}"; pwd`${2}";

I would recommend one of the two options above, the rest are just for fun...

Grep version:

    echo "`[ "${1##/*}" ] && echo "$1" | grep -Eo '^(.*/)?\.\.($|/)' | { read d && cd "$d"; echo "${PWD}/${1#$d}"; } || echo "$1"`"

As an interesting example of "what can be done with the shell's limited RegEx":

    E="${1##*/}"; D="${E#$E${E#.}}"; DD="${D#$D${D#..}}"
    DIR="${1%$E}${E#$DD}"; FILE="${1#$DIR}"; SEP=${FILE:+/}
    echo "`cd "${DIR:-.}"; pwd`${SEP#$DIR}$FILE"

An update on previous answer using python 3

to_abs_path() {
  python -c "import os; print (os.path.abspath('$1'))"


to_abs_path "./../some_file.txt"


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