I am looking to generate an ID that is not guessable (i.e. long string of random characters).
I am currently using https://github.com/sporkmonger/uuidtools:
require 'rubygems'
require 'uuidtools'
module UuidHelper
def before_create()
self.id = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create().to_s
include UuidHelper
However, this is not giving me the desired ef开发者_StackOverflowfect, i.e. length is always too short.
Is there a way to use adapt this to force larger values? Is there another approach that I should be using?
I am currently using SQLite for my development database. Could this have some effect?
I also assume that I should check if the ID exists already before assigning it to a new instance?
You can use:
require 'digest/sha1'
#to check if generated id is unique
self.id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(DateTime.now.to_s)[0..length-1] while (ModelName.find(self.id))
where length - desired length of output UUID, also you must check it to be unique( which could be false, if length is too small) and ModelName - name of your model
It was the SQLite database that was causing the issue - moved to MySQL database and it works as expected.