Acc开发者_开发问答ording to this article, we have to call GdiPlusUnload
before unloading dlls. According to other articles, we also have to call dxInitializeGDIPlus
and dxFinalizeGDIPlus
We have a lot of dlls, all build with developer express runtime packages.
Do we have to call these procedures in all dlls using devexpress components? Both dxFinalizeGDIPlus
and GdiPlusUnload
We also use some components from TMS Software. How do they use gdi+? Should we call some initialize/finalize-procedures there too?
I will answer a part of your question related to DevExpress controls. You should call the dxInitializeGDIPlus / dxFinalizeGDIPlus methods in all DLLs where our controls are used. There is no need to use the GdiPlusUnload method if you used the aforementioned methods.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you about the TMS Software controls specific :(.