
Can't add .wsdl in Visual Studio 2010

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-24 03:51 出处:网络
Can\'t seem to add this web service in visual studio 2010 - what happens is : C:\\>wsdl [http://opensearch.addi.dk/1.0/open开发者_高级运维search.wsdl]

Can't seem to add this web service in visual studio 2010 - what happens is :

C:\>wsdl [http://opensearch.addi.dk/1.0/open开发者_高级运维search.wsdl]

Error: Unable to import binding 'osSearchServiceSoapBinding' from namespace 'http://oss.dbc.dk/ns/opensearch_wsdl'.
- Unable to import operation 'search'.
- Group 'elementsAndRefinementsGroup' from targetNamespace='http://purl.org/dc/terms/' has invalid definition: Circular group reference.

I don't know much about this type of Web Services (use REST), but the guys that made this service use PHP and didn't see a problem or couldn't explain it to me.

I have look over the .xsd files but find them to verbose.

There is som PHP code in there but I do C# for the most part so I can't find heads or tails in them either.

Now the question is: How can I get this to work ? - if its not possible to fix so that I can import this in VS can someone show me how to do it manually in C#?

The wsdl from the opensearch is not very Visual Studio friendly. There is, as you mention, a circular reference in the schema. I am doing an .NET implementation of this for another library (AALBIB) - i downloaded all the .xsd files and manually edited the circular reference out, hoping that i will never use that part of the system. Then generated proxy classes using thewsdl tool



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