In my Spring+JPA/Hibern开发者_如何学Goate+Wicket app, I have a QueryBuilder bean that I want to use in one of my DAOs which generates a typed query with the help of Criteria API:
public class InboxQueryBuilder {
EntityManager em;
CriteriaBuilder cb;
public InboxQueryBuilder() {
cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
public TypedQuery<App> getQueryForApps(AppSearchObject aso) {
However, when I run the app, I get a null pointer exception for line:
cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
i.e. the EntityManager doesn't get injected. Do you know why?
Also, is this use correct and thread-safe or should I instantiate my InboxQueryBuilder for each query? In that case, should I also inject the EntityManager or should I just pass it as a constructor parameter (the InboxQueryBuilder would get instantiated for each query in the DAO which has an injected instance of EntityManager)?
You can't access the EntityManager within the constructor. Take a look at the @PostConstruct-Annotation
public class InboxQueryBuilder {
EntityManager em;
CriteriaBuilder cb;
public InboxQueryBuilder() {
// em= null
public void toSomething(){
// em set by Container
cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
public TypedQuery<App> getQueryForApps(AppSearchObject aso) {
EDIT: After reading your post again, I start to became unsure, if I'm right. I know the Java EE-Dependency-Injection within a JBoss works as I described, but I'm not sure about spring-IOC.
Do you have this bean somewhere in your application context?
<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="persistenceUnitName" value="myPersistenceUnit"/>
Spring uses the Java Beans mechanism, so I am pretty sure this is insufficient:
EntityManager em;
Here's the standard way:
private EntityManager entityManager;
public void setEntityManager(final EntityManager entityManager){
this.entityManager = entityManager;