Whenever a user hits the wrong page, rails shows 404.html from the public folder. However, I'd like just to redirect the browser to the root page, without showing anything. So I tried globbing, but came to no avail, it still shows the 404 page. Here's an extract from my routes file:
# ...
map.root :controller => 'home', :action => 'home'
map.connect '*', :controller => 'home', :acti开发者_如何学编程on => 'home'
Any suggestions? Thanks, guys!
If your project is powered by rails 3, add simply this line to your routes.rb
match '*path' => redirect('/')
Edit: If you're on Rails 4 or 5
match '*path' => redirect('/'), via: :get
get '*path' => redirect('/')
Like the answer by Arkan. One point, if do not want this behaviour in development environment, then could do -
match '*path' => redirect('/') unless Rails.env.development?
Rails 4-
You can still use a simple get
to redirect all unknown routes.
get '*path', to: 'home#index'
If you wish to provide routing to both POST and GET requests you can still use match, but Rails wants you to specify the request method via via
match "*path" => "home#index", via: [:get, :post]
Remember that routes.rb
is executed sequentially (matching the first route that fits the supplied path structure), so put wildcard catching at the bottom of your matchings.
There seems to be a bug in rails 5.2 where active_storage routes are picked up by the catchall route, resulting in broken links to uploaded images. The issue has been reported in the rails repo on github, and someone commented with the below patch until the bug gets fixed in a new release:
In routes.rb
right before last end
get '*all', to: 'application#index', constraints: lambda { |req|
req.path.exclude? 'rails/active_storage'
then in the application controller add:
def index
flash.notice = 'No page found at that address'
redirect_to root_path
You need create a controller to do that
class RedirectsController
def index
redirect_to root_url
And in your routes
map.connect '*', :controller => 'redirects', :action => 'index'