I'm trying to compile a list of notable web frameworks in wide use that follow the "Rails paradigm", which in the context of this question is defined as web frameworks following these key principles:
- Convention over Configuration (CoC)
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)开发者_运维知识库
- Sensible defaults
- Easy scaffolding: automatic generation of CRUD interfaces
This is the list so far:
- Ruby on Rails (Ruby), released in 2004, >6500 questions on SO tagged "ruby-on-rails"
- Django (Python), released in 2005, >3400 questions on SO tagged "django"
- Grails (Groovy), released in 2006, >500 questions on SO tagged "grails"
The nuber of questions tagged on SO is taken as a proxy for the popularity of the web framework.
- Which other notable web frameworks currently in wide use should fit in this list?
I'm sure cake follows at least two of those principles:
- Easy scaffolding ('Baking' something)
- CoC (stated on the main page)
As for the other two, I can't say for sure. Hopefully someone else can give a definitive answer on that.
LIFT, http://liftweb.net/, which was written in Scala, for Scala.
From the website:
Lift borrows from the best of existing frameworks, providing
* Seaside's highly granular sessions and security
* Rails fast flash-to-bang
* Django's "more than just CRUD is included"
* Wicket's designer-friendly templating style
Personally I think ASP.NET MVC fits the list. Technically the scaffolding bit is/can be done by Visual Studio, rather than the framework itself, but some of the stated design philosophies (sorry, can't find the links at the time of writing) match you list of CoC, DRY, etc.
From ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Guthrie, Hanselmann, Haack, Conery):
One of the design philosophies ASP.NET MVC embraces is the "Do Not Repeat Yourself" principle (commonly referred to as "DRY"). A DRY design helps eliminate the duplication of code and logic, which ultimately makes applications faster to build and easier to maintain.
I think symfony is a good option too, The latest release puts it closer to Rails. It is also rumored to be much faster than cakephp. If you are thinking in terms of performance and PHP frameworks then surely have a look at it. Zend and CodeIgniter are nice robust frameworks, but from my experience are not rails-like.
Hmm, Seaside is the only one really doing DRY, but the number of posts on SO is not that large.