I use SQL 2008.
I have a logical entity (table) say Data with attributes (columns) (key, date, a,b,c,d).
the problem is a and b change values every day and that c and d change values at random dates and very slow. And also they change for each key individually. Say c,d for key = 1 will change today and next month and for key=2 tomorrow and a week later.
So my idea is to split on 2. MainData (key,date,a,b) and TemporalData (key, changeDate, c,d)
However I failed to write an efficient query - how to consume this.
I was thinking of somewhat a 'parametrized' view (not sure if it is possible at all). Say select * from vwData where date = 'xxxxx' and it will return me a,b for that particular day and also c,d which were effective for a particular key and that date.
I need a simple and clear way to select data from this construct. I also need it to be efficient as data will be huge in a year time
开发者_运维技巧(Note: there will be only select where date = @singleDate never date between)
MainData TemporalData
1 20101001 1.0 2.0 1 20101001 2.0 3.0
1 20101002 2.0 3.0 1 20101003 8.0 9.0
1 20101003 4.0 5.0
1 20101004 6.0 3.0
select * from vwData where date = '20101002'
1 20101002 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0
select * from vwData where date = '20101003'
1 20101003 4.0 5.0 8.0 9.0
select * from vwData where date = '20101004'
1 20101004 6.0 3.0 8.0 9.0
First, splitting the data into a 1:1 relationship with more static data in one table and data that changes often in another table is not a bad approach. Second, it is not clear whether TemporalData.ChangeDate should match MainDate.[Date]. Assuming that is the case, then you can do something like so:
Select MainData.Key, MainData.[Date], MainData.a, MainData.b
, TemporalData.c, TemporalData.d
From MainData
Left Join TemporalData
On TemporalData.Key = MainData.Key
And TemporalData.ChangeDate = MainDate.[Date]
Where MainData.[Date] = @SomeDate
This assumes you will always have MainData values but might not have TemporalData values. You could put this in a view however you could not specify a parameter. A view is a virtual table and as such represents an unordered set of rows. Thus, your view would look like:
Create View vwMain
Select MainData.Key, MainData.[Date], MainData.a, MainData.b
, TemporalData.c, TemporalData.d
From MainData
Left Join TemporalData
On TemporalData.Key = MainData.Key
And TemporalData.ChangeDate = MainDate.[Date]
You would then use the view like so:
Select ...
From vwMain
Where [Date] = @SomeDate
It would appear that what you want is to always have a TemporalData row representing the the most recent date. This is not clear from your description although we can deduce it from your comments and sample output. So, given that, here's a solution. Obviously, the final result would not include the common-table expressions for the sample source data:
With MainData As
Select 1 As [Key], '20101001' As [Date], 1.0 As A, 2.0 As B
Union All Select 1 As [Key], '20101002', 2.0, 3.0
Union All Select 1 As [Key], '20101003', 4.0, 5.0
Union All Select 1 As [Key], '20101004', 6.0, 3.0
, TemporalData As
Select 1 As [Key], '20101001' As [ChangeDate], 2.0 As C, 3.0 As D
Union All Select 1 As [Key], '20101003', 8.0, 9.0
, RankedResults As
Select MainData.[Key], MainData.[Date], MainData.a, MainData.b
, TemporalData.c, TemporalData.d, TemporalData.ChangeDate
, Row_Number() Over ( Partition By MainData.[Key], MainData.[Date]
Order By TemporalData.ChangeDate Desc ) As Num
From MainData
Join TemporalData
On TemporalData.Key = MainData.Key
And TemporalData.ChangeDate <= MainData.[Date]
Select *
From RankedResults
Where Num = 1
Order By [Date]