With MySQL, I'm able to store large blocks of text in a TEXT column, pull like I would any other column type with no problem.
It seems when I try to do the same with CLOB on Oracle, I get errors.
Here's where I'm pulling:
$comments = 'SELECT q2_other, q4_comments, q9_describe, q10, q11_comments, q12_describe, additional_comments FROM exit_responses
WHERE sdate BETWEEN \'' . $start . '\'
AND \'' . $end . '\'';
$comments_results = oci_parse($conn, $comments);
while($row = oci_fetch_assoc($comments_results)){
if($row['Q2_OTHER'] != null){
echo '<div class="response">';
echo '<div class="info-bar">';
echo '<h5 class="date">' , date('F j, Y',strtotime($row['SDATE'])) , '</h5>';
echo ($_GET['names'] == 1) ? '<h5 class="name">' . $row['f_name'] . ' ' . $row['l_name'] .开发者_Go百科 ' - ' . $row['title'] . ' - ' . $row['emp_type'] . '</h5>' : '';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="comments">' , $row['q2_other'] , '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
...and here is what I'm getting when I try to print_r() $row within the while() loop:
[Q2_OTHER] => OCI-Lob Object
[descriptor] => Resource id #17
...(along with the other columns in the query)
Is there something special I need to be doing with CLOBS or is my syntax just off a bit.
Thanks :)
For LOB columns OCI will return OCI-Lob object, on which you have to call load()
or read(int bytes)
to get the contents:
$clob_contents = $row['Q2_OTHER']->load();
or you can use OCI_RETURN_LOBS flag like
$row = oci_fetch_array($connection_id, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_LOBS)
to fetch CLOB like VARCHAR2: