I need to track user current location with realtime refreshrate I have one function with two solutions for that.
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
# ifdef Variant_1
[m_Map removeAnnotation:m_currentLocation];
m_currentLocation = [MKPlacemark alloc];
[m_currentLocation initWithCoordinate:newLocation.coordinate addressDictionary:nil];
[m_Map addAnnotation:m_currentLocation];
[m_Map setCenterCoordinate:m_currentLocation.coordinate animated:YES];
# else //Variant_2
if(m_currentLocation == nil)
m_currentLocation = [MKPlacemark alloc];
[m_currentLocation initWithCoordinate:newLocation.coordinate addressDictionary:nil];
[m_Map addAnnotation:m_currentLocation];
[m_currentLocation initWithCoordinate:newLocation.coordinate addressDictionary:nil];
//[m_currentLocation setCoordinate:newLocation.coordinate];
开发者_如何学编程 }
[m_Map setCenterCoordinate:m_currentLocation.coordinate animated:YES];
# endif
works good but when you move fast the location sing on the map blinks.
does not blink but does not move location sing however moves map.
Where is the problem?In Variant_1, it probably blinks because you're doing a removeAnnotation and then an addAnnotation instead of just modifying the coordinates of the existing annotation.
In Variant_2, initWithCoordinate returns a new MKPlacemark object with those coordinates. It doesn't update the properties of the object you are calling the method on.
What happens if you run the setCoordinate line instead?
A separate question is why not use the MKMapView's built-in ability to show the current user location? Just do m_Map.showsUserLocation = YES;
at the start. You don't need CLLocationManager to get the user's current location if you are using the MKMapView anyway.
I think you'll still need to center the map on the user's current location using one of the map view delegate methods:
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation
[mapView setCenterCoordinate:userLocation.location.coordinate animated:YES];