I'm trying to create an application that maxes out the user's downstream by continuously sending data. Is there a variable that tells how many bytes are in the out buffer? And I say "out buffer," but is there a bette开发者_StackOverflowr term for the data that is being buffered before its sent to the client? Am I going about this the right way? It doesn't seem practical to self.transport.write() 100 megabytes.
The way Twisted exposes this information is with a pair of APIs commonly referred to as "producers" and "consumers". You can find a document about them on the Twisted site.
In your case, a "pull producer" is probably appropriate, since your random data probably isn't coming from an event source, but can be generated on demand. A rough sketch might look something like this (and hopefully the above linked document will explain why this works):
from os import urandom
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPullProducer
class RandomProducer(object):
def __init__(self, consumer):
self.consumer = consumer
def resumeProducing(self):
self.consumer.write(urandom(2 ** 16))
def stopProducing(self):
So, for example, when a connection is set up, you can register this producer with the transport:
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
class RandomProtocol(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
self.transport.registerProducer(RandomProducer(self.transport), False)
This will send random data at the client as fast as possible.