In the transition from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2008 I started getting this error for my (managed) c++ projects:
warning D9035 : option 'clr:oldsyntax' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
How to I convert from the old syntax to the new one?
Does anybody know when the old syntax actually becomes obsolete and cannot be used anymore?
EDIT: (supplementary question)
Are there by any chance any tools for doing this conversion automatically?
To change the Common Language Runtime support you open the properties dialog for your c++ project and select the node Configuration Properties -> General. Here you can make the change:
For how to upgrade the syntax I can recommend these two excellent MSDN articles:
- Outline of Changes: This outline shows you examples of some of the changes in the language from Managed Extensions for C++ to Visual C++ 2008
- Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist: This topic lists the syntactic differences between Managed Extensions for C++ and the new Visual C++ syntax