I did a program in C++ but it does not allow to sav开发者_如何转开发e on c:\SomeDirectory\afile.txt
I'm using this:
FILE* m_hFile = fopen("c:\\SomeDirectory\\afile.txt", "a+t");
fprintf((FILE *)m_hFile, "testing");
Why that? Is there a defined folder I can save in?
i assume the fopen()
yields a valid m_hFile and the rest of the code does not crash either. since your program seems to not be run with admin-permissions that file will be 'redirected' to the 'virtual store'. search for the file in
essentially programs should only write to user-writable areas. read more about it here.
Windows 7 doesn't allow the creation of files in (subdirectories of?) the root directory. Maybe try running as admin.
Also, that's very C code, not C++. Use streams/good C++, not C with classes.