Hello guys: I have to project many points before drawing them on a frame. my codes are blow:
-(Coordination*)xyWorldToDev:(Coordination*)pt isIphoneYAxis:(BOOL)isIphoneYAxis{
CGPoint tmpPoint=CGPointApplyAffineTransform(CGPointMake(pt.x,pt.y),worldToDevMatrix);
Coordination *resultPoint=[[[Coordination alloc]initWithXY:tmpPoint.x withY:(isIphoneYAxis)?(sscy-tmpPoint.y):tmpPoint.y]autorelease];
return resultPoint; }
double x=0.0,y=0.0;
double divide=1+m_cView3DPara.v*cPt.y;
return [[[Coordination alloc]initWithXY:x withY:sscy-y]autorelease];
return [self xyDevTo3D:[self xyWorldToDev:pt isIphoneYAxis:NO]];
Therefore,the method "-(Coordination*)transformWorldTo3D:(Coordination*)pt " is called hundreds times because projecting.
But i found it is very very SLOW while calling transformWorldTo3D! Is there another way to accelerate it? Or using another framework which could caculate the projecting value faster?
Object allocations are expensive (relative to arithmetic operations); and it appears that you're doing 2 alloc-init-autorelease sequences for every point.
My first suggestion would be to try to do some of this work with CGPoint
s and avoid the allocations.
(Actually, that's my second suggestion: my first is to profile the code to see where the time is being spent.)