Is it possible to get spelling/search suggestions (i.e. "Did you mean") via the RESTful interface to Google's AJAX search API? I'm trying to access this from Python, though the URL query syntax is all I rea开发者_开发问答lly need.
the Google AJAX API don't have a spelling check feature see this, you can use the SOAP service but i think it's no longer available .
at last you can look at yahoo API they have a feature for spelling check.
EDIT : check this maybe it can help you:
import httplib
import xml.dom.minidom
data = """
<spellrequest textalreadyclipped="0" ignoredups="0" ignoredigits="1" ignoreallcaps="1">
<text> %s </text>
word_to_spell = "gooooooogle"
con = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
con.request("POST", "/tbproxy/spell?lang=en", data % word_to_spell)
response = con.getresponse()
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(
dom_data = dom.getElementsByTagName('spellresult')[0]
for child_node in dom_data.childNodes:
result =
print result
if you're just looking for spelling suggestions you might want to check out something like Wordnik: