I have a strange problem, I'm sending an SQL query through PHP:
INSERT INTO `lib_plex` (`id`, `active`, `lastUpdated`, `entry_date`, `entry_ip`, `address`, `city`, `state_iso`, `zip_code`, `plex_type`, `price`开发者_JAVA百科, `has_garage`, `has_indoor_parking`, `has_outdoor_parking`, `has_pool`, `has_fireplace`, `average_nb_room`, `construction_year`, `building_material`)
VALUES ('','1','2010-10-27 13:22:59','2010-10-27 13:22:59','2130706433','COMMERCE ST.','85825','OK','73521','commercial','595000','0','0','0','0','0','11','','Aluminum Siding')
And it throws me this error: Invalid query: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. Although, when I paste and run the same exact query in PhpMyAdmin, it works perfectly, so it got me quite confused...
I counted the number of columns and the the number of values, and they match (19). I tried to remove the 'id' field, since it's auto-incremented, but it didn't change anything. What am I doing wrong? And why does it work in PhpMyAdmin?
Thanks for any help!
here's the php code:
$values = array('', 1, $lastUpdated, $entry_date, $entry_ip, $streetName, $cityId, $listing['stateorprovince'], $listing['postalcode'], $listing['type'], $listing['listprice'], $has_garage, $has_indoor_parking, $has_outdoor_parking, $has_pool, $has_fireplace, $average_nb_room, $listing['yearbuilt'], $listing['exteriortype']);
$q = "INSERT INTO `lib_plex` (`id`, `active`, `lastUpdated`, `entry_date`, `entry_ip`, `address`, `city`, `state_iso`, `zip_code`, `plex_type`, `price`, `has_garage`, `has_indoor_parking`, `has_outdoor_parking`, `has_pool`, `has_fireplace`, `average_nb_room`, `construction_year`, `building_material`)
VALUES ('".htmlentities(implode("','",$values),ENT_QUOTES)."')";
and the method that is being called:
private function execMysqlQuery($q, $returnResults = false, $returnInsertId = false){
$c = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_LOGIN,DB_PASSWORD);
mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $c);
$result = mysql_query($q);
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error(). "<br/>=>".$q);
if ($returnInsertId)
return mysql_insert_id();
if ($returnResults)
return $result;
return true;
And the error:
Invalid query: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
=>INSERT INTO `lib_plex` (`id`, `active`, `lastUpdated`, `entry_date`, `entry_ip`, `address`, `city`, `state_iso`, `zip_code`, `plex_type`, `price`, `has_garage`, `has_indoor_parking`, `has_outdoor_parking`, `has_pool`, `has_fireplace`, `average_nb_room`, `construction_year`, `building_material`) VALUES ('','1','2010-10-27 13:47:35','2010-10-27 13:47:35','2130706433','COMMERCE ST.','85825','OK','73521','commercial','595000','0','0','0','0','0','11','','Aluminum Siding')
If you print $q
, I'm willing to bet it'll look like this:
INSERT INTO `lib_plex` (`id`, `active`, `lastUpdated`, `entry_date`, `entry_ip`, `address`, `city`, `state_iso`, `zip_code`, `plex_type`, `price`, `has_garage`, `has_indoor_parking`, `has_outdoor_parking`, `has_pool`, `has_fireplace`, `average_nb_room`, `construction_year`, `building_material`)
VALUES ('','1','2010-10-27 13:22:59','2010-10-27 13:22:59','2130706433','COMMERCE ST.','85825','OK','73521','commercial','595000','0','0','0','0','0','11','','Aluminum Siding');
(I don't have PHP at work; this is a guess)
In other words, htmlentities
is turning your quotes into HTML Entities. Specifically, turning '
to '
Don't use htmlentities
on things that aren't being sent to the web browser. Use your database driver's escaping method (mysql_real_escape_string
) on each individual value being sent in.
Edit: Better yet, use prepared statements and data binding with MySQLi or PDO, which will automatically escape the data as you bind it.
if ($insert) {
$query = "INSERT INTO employee VALUES ($empno,'$lname','$fname','$init','$gender','$bdate','$dept','$position',$pay,$dayswork,$otrate,$othrs,$allow,$advances,$insurance,'')";
$msg = "New record saved!";
else {
$query = "UPDATE employee SET empno=$empno,lname='$lname',fname='$fname',init= '$init',gender='$gender',bdate='$bdate',dept='$dept',position='$position',pay=$pay,dayswork=$dayswork,otrate=$otrate,othrs=$othrs,allow=$allow,advances=$advances,insurance=$insurance WHERE empno = $empno";
$msg = "Record updated!";
include 'include/dbconnection.php';
$result=mysql_query ($query,$link) or die ("invalid query".mysql_error());