I'm new to cron jobs开发者_如何转开发 and I need to restore a database (mysql) every 30 minutes. Is there a cron job command that can restore a database from a .sql file that's been gzipped?
Or do I need to create a php script to do this and create a cron job to call this script every thirty minutes?
Also, and this is a separate question but still related to cron jobs, I'm using a cron job to backup a different database once a day, gzip it and put it in a folder above the root. Is there a way to (automatically) delete anything older than a month? Or, at least, keep the most recent 20 backups and delete the rest?
There's not a lot of good tutorial out there on this subject other that random forum posts. Any help is appreciated.
Regarding how to import a dump file, simply put a
mysql -u user -ppassword databasename < /path/to/dump.sql
into the cron job.
More details: How do I restore a MySQL .dump file?
You can write a bash script to do this.
mysql -uPutYourUserHere -pPutYourPasswordHere PutYourUserHere_databaseName < database.sql
There isn't anything to automatically delete something. But you can do in your cron job:
find /path/to/files -mtime +30 -exec rm {}\;
MySQL can't handle the gzipped data directly, but it's trivial to pipe through gzcat and then pipe that to mysql:
gzcat name_of_file.sql.gz | mysql -u....